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Indoctrination 101

Larken Rose

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xact WORDS the book uses. (Hmmm, maybe the politicians bought it.) Just about every time I read a story in the paper, or hear a talking head on the TV, I feel like shouting "Yeah, like that! A fine example of pro-tyranny indoctrination!"

Well, someone sent me something I just had to mention here. It is an expose on one of the most powerful and essential ingredients to any totalitarian regime: thought control via indoctrination. AFTER you watch the trailer (if you can) on their web site, read the following excerpts, which are from my "Tyrant" book. But first, visit

(Incidentally, if you stay on this list long enough, and do lots of cutting and pasting, you might be able to reconstruct my entire book from the excerpts I quote, without having to buy the dang thing. But for those of you who want to do it the easy way, you can get it pre-assembled for $17, including shipping, by going to the web site.

Now, on with the excerpts. See how well they match what the documentary is about. Remember, this book is addressed to the aspiring tyrant:

- ----------< begin quote >-----------

The two primary means by which the proper indoctrination can be delivered are:

1) the "education" system, and

2) the media. The education system includes everything from pre-school to college.

Almost as important as getting your message out is getting it out in such a way as to give the impression that the message is not coming from you. The peasants perceive it very differently when you suggest that your power should increase, and when an apparently objective "concerned citizen" suggests the same thing. ...

One effective method of propaganda does not deal with what is said but with what is NOT discussed. The range of opinions the peasants are exposed to has an enormous impact on what they will perceive as reasonable. Peasants have few ideas of their own, so if they are exposed to only two "different" views, BOTH of which support your plans for control, they will almost certainly think only about WHICH pro-tyranny viewpoint they like better, rather than being original enough to decide that neither of the presented viewpoints makes sense.

"In the United States, the majority undertakes to supply a multitude of ready-made opinions for the use of individuals, who

are thus relieved from the necessity of forming opinions of their own." [Alexis de Tocqueville]

The peasants must feel they have a choice of what to believe, so the message must look like a "debate" instead of a sermon. However, the "debate" should be so limited that anything evenapproaching an anti-tyranny opinion must be seen as outside the realm of rational debate.

"The most successful tyranny is not the one that uses force to assure uniformity, but the one that removes awareness of other possibilities." [Alan Bloom]

You should constantly spread the message that anyone who opposes your plans is either an idiot, evil, or both. A "rebuttal" as lame and substance-free as "You can't really believe that," coming from someone who appears to be informed and intelligent, can make most peasants back down from their true beliefs. Demeaning and insulting an idea may not make all the peasants change their minds, but it will make most refrain from voicing the opinion themselves. After all, who wants to announce an opinion that "those in the know" say is stupid? And when hardly anyone feels self-confident enough to state the "unapproved" belief, hardly anyone hears it being stated, and as a result everyone concludes that hardly anyone holds that belief.


In addition to belittling the opinions of your opponents, be sure also to frequently demonize those who hold those opinions. The moment you question people's motives, they will almost always shift to defending themselves instead of arguing their original point. Someone who opposes your attempts to become an enforced "charity" monopoly (via forced wealth redistribution) should be accused of wanting the poor to starve. Those who oppose your take-over of the health care industry should be accused of not caring about people who get sick. Those who oppose peasant disarmament should be accused of not being concerned about crime. Those who don't want to be extorted by you should be portrayed as "greedy" and not wanting to pay their "fair share."


Peasants don't like to think for themselves. They like to be told what to think, after which they feel "informed" because they can spout back the tripe spoon-fed to them by their betters. That is what so-called "experts" are for: to tell the masses what they should think. ... It is amazing how an utterly idiotic message can be persuasive if the messenger appears credible and knowledgeable. "Today we are delighted to have in our studios Professor Eugene Wellington Horglesnunkle, Ph.D., M.D., A.B.C., to give a nonsensical and long-winded explanation of why government should control more aspects of our lives."

- -----------< end quote >----------

I'm not sure exactly what all the folks at believe in, and I'm so "fringe" that it's almost a statistical

certainty that I would disagree with whatever the politics of the makers of the film might be. However, in their objection to thought control disguised as "education," I'm with them all the way. It's nice to see things like this and Aaron Russo's "America: Freedom toFascism" getting a little contrary viewpoint out there, despite the whining of the state-worshipers. (Notice that on the web site there is a way to request a screening of the movie in your area, which I've already done.)

Though it's included above, I'll end this message with one of my favorite quotes. It's gruesomely accurate, and painfully relevant in modern America:

"The most successful tyranny is not the one that uses force to assure uniformity, but the one that removes awareness of other possibilities." [Alan Bloom]


Larken Rose