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Updates on the Browns / Roadblock at the Browns: Brown Supporter Lauren Canario Arrested

Gary - RTR National Director/Kat Kanning

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We need to get the word out! Let the powers that be know that the world is watching. If you have a list, please forward this message. Otherwise, visit to get the play by play of the Marshal's actions and hopefully deter them from taking further action.


RTR National Director

All Your Freedoms, Inc., P.O. Box #1213, 264 South La Cienega Blvd., Beverly Hills, California 90211


Update 9:30pm Lauren Canario has been released from the Lebanon Police Department and is back with her husband tonight.

Federal Marshals set up a roadblock on Center of Town Road in Plainfield today and are refusing to let anyone visit the Browns. In a deliberate act of civil disobedience, Lauren Canario began walking to the Brown's home from the roadblock and was arrested. According to Jim Johnson, Lauren's husband, what happened was:

We left Keene about 12:15 and got there about 2 hours later. We got up there and there were about 20 officers at the roadblock and waved the van down to stop. There were at least 4 guys up the hill dressed in green with weapons. We pulled up and they asked us where we were going. We said we were going to the Brown and they handed us the notice and said we needed to read it. I read it slowly out loud for Lauren while she filmed. I asked if we were being detained and they said wait a minute. Lauren said let's go on up the hill – they're not detaining us. I didn't want to be arrested, so didn't want to keep driving. “I can't get arrested...I'll freak out and they'll kill me.” They checked the registration on the van. Plainfield police told Lauren that her license was suspended in NH and that if she was caught driving she would be arrested. We asked if we were free to go. We turned around and left. We pulled over at the bottom of Center of Town Road to talk it over. We made some phone calls but no one could get there very quickly – Lauren wanted to go in with someone else. Then we went to the main road for better phone reception. We went back a couple of times and the third time, Lauren wanted to walk through the woods but I said no way, they'll shoot you. When we returned to the roadblock, they laughed and said oh you again. I pointed out that the notice says you can't go on the property, so we wanted to go on the road, but the marshals wouldn't let us past. Lauren got out of the van and they shouted at her to get back in. After a bit more talking, Lauren walked up the road. They started shouting you want to stay here with us? She ran into the fat marshal, and other marshals grabbed her. She dropped to her knees slowly and they took her arms. They told ma I'd have to leave or I'd be arrested too. He went to the end of Center of Town Road and waited to see where they'd take Lauren. She was in a gold marshal's vehicle with a white police car behind it. They headed on east on Stage Road.

When my husband Russell Kanning and I came to the roadblock, they said that our car registration expired a few days ago, and in a deliberate act of persecution of people who disagree with them, they seized our car. We made a few phone calls and got hold of Jim, who rescued us.

Elaine Brown on Today

Jim's call to porc-411

This is the notice from the marshals:


In the criminal case of US v Ed and Elaine Brown, the defendants were convicted in the US district court of federal crimes for which they are now subject to a federal warant of arrest. Therefore, regarding the above captioned criminal action,

You are hereby notified that:

1. By order of the US District Court, no one may enter or remain on the property known as 401 Center of Town Road, Plainfield, New Hampshire which is the defendants' residence, without the express authorization of the US Mashals "Service" or its designee.

2. Whoever enters or remains on the property without the express authorization of the US Marshals and or refuses to leave the property may be criminally prosecuted see 18 USC 111 (assaulting, resisting or impeding certain officers or employees), 402 (contempt constituting crimes, 1501 (assault on a process server) and 1509 (obstruction of court orders).

3. Whoever, knowing that an offense against the US has been committed by these defendents, receives, relieves, comforts, or assists both or either defendant in order to hinder or prevent their apprehension, trial or punishment, shall be criminally prosecuted as an accessory to their crimes after the fact, in violation of 18 USC 3.