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Final 24 Hours for Agents Ramos and Compean

Steve Elljiott

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or everything you have done in signing this petition, making phone calls, faxes, etc.

Would you take up their cause again today and make yet another round of phone calls?

Here is a list of calls:

The White House: 202-456-1414

Justice Department: 202-514-2001

South Dakota Sen. Johnson (202) 224-5842

South Dakota Sen. Thune (202) 224-2321

The only official word from the White House came through Spokesman Tony Snow last week who gave no indication that the President is considering taking action.

There is so much at stake here, first for these two agents and their families who have already paid such a high price, and secondly for our nation.

In the minds of millions of Americans, if these men go to jail this President will have sided with an illegal alien drug smuggler instead of the men and women who are literally standing on the wall

protecting our nation's borders.

For photos from our delivery, my interview with Agent Ramos and other resources, go here:

By the way, we've added another 25,000 petition signers since our delivery to Congress just a few days ago! Citizen outrage continues to build. If you have friends who want to take action, urge them to sign the petition here:

Thank you for the stand you are taking.

Steve Elliott, President Alliance