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We Lost A Great One Today

Scott Mowry

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that is all we know for now.

Below is the notice from the web site regarding his passing. He will be sadly missed. Thanks for all the incredible work you have done to expose the truth, Mr. Skolnick. You were much beloved.



May 21. 2006

We are saddened to report the passing of Mr. Sherman Skolnick. Mr. Skolnick passed away today peacefully in his sleep at home in Chicago at age 76.

A great man passed through our midst and we are happy that we all had the opportunity to have known him. God took him too soon.

[NOTE: We honor you, Sherman Skolnick, for being a great Lightworker, and for your many years working as a guardian of our rights in the corrupt U.S. Court System. Though for many years you were confined to a wheelchair, this did not stop you from daily being present in the Chicago Courts monitoring and defending the God-given rights of the people. The judges and attorneys had great respect for your wisdom. You were loved by some but feared by most in the judicial system, for you constantly exposed their wrong-doing.

We also honor you as a writer of Truth. Many of your writings have been posted on Fourwinds over the years. You greatest work may be your seventy-seven part series of writings entitled "The Over Throw of the American Republic". We honor you, Sherman for not only being wise in the Law and a serious writer, but also for being a true patriot, who walked the Red Road of Truth. May your journey be most pleasant and your rewards great in our coming Golden Age of Peace and Light.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer]

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For 48 years, a key focus of Sherman Skolnick’s investigative reporting was the rampant judicial corruption in the courts of law in U.S.A., specifically in Chicago and in the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, D. C.

Judges on the take, some of them termed "banksters” or "banker-judges”, drew the attention not only of Skolnick’s seasoned Jewish humor but also of his relentless and feared public exposure mechanisms. The robed mafiosi had him in jail eight times during his long life but could never stick anything of substance on him. Twenty judges and over forty attorneys went behind bars, from 1969 to 1993 alone, through America’s leading judge-buster who has now passed on.

Skolnick started in his late twenties using his superb mental powers and writing skills as reflected in his reporting on judicial and political corruption. Since 1958 he was a court reformer. In 1963 he founded the Citizen’s Committee to Clean Up the Courts, a public interest group researching and disclosing certain instances of judicial bribery and political murders. Starting in 1971 his comments were on a recorded phone message that he called Hotline News. Since 1991 he was a regular participant and producer, and since 1995 he was producer/moderator of „BROADSIDES“, a one hour weekly taped public access Cable TV Show on in Chicago Monday evening, 9 p.m., Channel 21 Cable, reaching an audience of 400,000 viewers.

Sherman H. Skolnick was elevated to national prominence when a mafia of corrupt Illinois judges swindled his parents out of their lifetime savings. Time Magazine reported on the scandal in August 1969 and depicted Skolnick in his wheelchair on the cover. Law school professor Kenneth A. Manaster reviews this judicial bribery scandal in his 2001 book "Illinois Justice, The Scandal of 1969 and the Rise of John Paul Stevens”,

Since 2003, the learned Sherman H. Skolnick found a home for the last years of his investigative reporting in the Toronto-based internet talk radio and magazine


He also contributed to and his reports appeared on many other sites. The great series of his last years was the ongoing "Overthrow of the American Republic” series. Together with Cloak and Dagger host Lenny Bloom, Sherman Skolnick further penned the "Middle Finger News” series. Some of the hot trails of his last years were the judicial corruption of five judges of the U.S. Supreme Court in Bush v. Gore in December 2000, election frauds, the 9-11 inside attacks, theft of trillions of $$ through the Bush-Clinton crime syndicate, the infiltration of the American government by gangsters and foreign agents (mainly British, Chinese, Israeli, Jesuit), and the overthrow of the Republic. Every one of his words was a considered appeal to avoid the temptation of the Big Lie.

Now, the scrutinous eye of Sherman H. Skolnick no longer peers through the magnifying glass. That was his chosen symbol on his web site,,

like a Sherlock Holmes of American investigative journalism. A paraplegic since childhood, this militating dove passed on peacefully during sleep in his 75th year to a higher perch. He helped his students, readers and listeners to find clarity of perception in a world of confusion and deception.

We will keep our deceased friend a loving memory.