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New Polls Show that the American Population Is Furious At Congress

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According to a recent National Public Radio poll conducted by Democratic advisers James Carville and Stan Greenberg, 69 percent of voters disapprove of the job Congress is doing. This is the highest disapproval rating since the Democrats reclaimed their Congressional majorities. Stan Greenberg commented that, "We have never seen people as angry and frustrated as they are now...even more than in 1992."

According to USA Today, a Gallup poll taken October 12-14 showed that 72 percent of those surveyed said that they were not satisfied with the way things are going in the country. The poll noted that most of those surveyed were very pessimistic about the war in Iraq and were very anxious about the state of the economy. Nearly one year after the Democrats took control of the Congress, three out of four surveyed felt that Congress had accomplished little or nothing in the past year.