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Cindy Sheehan: "We'll Come Back Stronger"

NOW Interview with David Brancaccio

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eehan said in a NOW on the News web-exclusive audio interview.

Interview Excerpts

"After last week when the Democrats just voted to give George Bush more money to wage his war without any conditions on it, just gave him another blank check ... I just cut all ties."

"We've exposed a chink in the Bush armor. I think we've exposed that and exploited that as far as we can."

"If the people of America do not rise up, take ownership of our country, we're going to lose it forever."

"I think some of the people on the left ... were extremely jealous of me getting what they thought was all of the attention. The smears, the lies - people have written entire books lying about me - the death threats, it was a very arduous life."

About Cindy Sheehan

Cindy Sheehan is an anti-war activist, whose son, Army Spc. Casey Sheehan, died in Iraq in April, 2004. Sheehan attracted the eyes of the world after she spent almost a month camped outside of president George Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas, demanding to speak with the President.

Sheehan is a founder of Gold Star Families for Peace, an anti-Iraqi war group. On Memorial Day in 2007, Sheehan announced she was leaving the anti-war movement to rest and spend time with her family.

She is the author of "Peace Mom: A Mother's Journey through Heartache to Activism."