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Protest the Coming SPP Summit with Grassfire

Steve Elliott President Alliance

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In spectacular fashion, our team has responded. In fact, over the last several days, more than 65,000 citizens have signed our petition and forwarded our updates to friends.

I'm thrilled to report that as of Thursday morning, 119,814 citizens have added their names to our citizen petition opposing the North American Union!

And here's the best part. As team members continue to spread the word about this VERY REAL threat to our nation--hundreds more are streaming in to sign every hour!

I want to specifically thank Roy J. from Wisconsin, who rallied 189 friends to sign our petition, and Pat B. from South Dakota who rallied 90. Great work!

+ + Protests Planned in Quebec

I'm also thrilled to report that your petition--and those of more than 100,000 citizens will be presented at the SPP summit in Canada!

This is a tremendous opportunity for the Grassfire team to weigh in on this serious issue--AS IT UNFOLDS!

For too long, the public has been kept in the dark over the true intentions and agenda of the SPP/NAU, but no more. The shroud has been lifted, and as we have seen just in the few days that our petition has been active, citizens of the U.S. are responding!

Though we've reached our initial goal, I'm urging ALL members of our team to continue spreading the word about the SPP/NAU crisis. Send this message to 20-30 friends encouraging them to join the NAU protest with you by clicking here:

+ + Jerome Corsi Interview Part Two

Many team members have emailed our offices asking for part two of my powerful interview with Dr. Jerome Corsi-- the best-selling author of what I believe is the key resource on this issue, The Late Great USA--the coming Merger with Mexico and Canada.

To access part two of my interview with Dr. Corsi, click here:

Grassfire has limited quantities of Dr. Corsi's incredible book available to team members. To find out more, click here:

Thank you for standing with Grassfire against the NAU.

Steve Elliott President Alliance

P.S: Don't miss part two of my exclusive interview with Dr. Jerome Corsi by clicking here:

++ Order Dr. Corsi's latest book, The Late Great USA, click here:

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