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Nepal: Revolutionary Masses ARe Making History!

Ramatan Chatterjee

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A decisive rupture from a reformist line and adopting a revolutionary strategy based on the concrete objective situatioin in the country and the world led to the initiation of the People's War in Nepal in 1996. Based on boundless creative power of the revolutionary masses the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), CPN(M), has nurtured and led a colosal revolutionary movement with the strategy of people seizing the political power. The CPN(M)'s scientific vision, shear determination and daring spirit hand in hand with the masses inexhustible enthusiasm for revolution has created a fantastic march of millions of concious men and women on the path to establish the first red base area of the world revolution in the 21 century.

Ten years of achieving qualitative leaps in making revolution through massive development of the People's War has established people's power in most of the country. Millions of downtroden people for the first time in their life on the basis of revolutionary conciousness have taken their destiny into their own hands, demolished the old state bit by bit and tasted real freedom. What a refreshing taste!

Ten years of waging revolutionary war including successful tactics of peace and negotiation with the old state showed that the revolutionary leaders in Nepal have mastered the art of making revolution. These tactics proved that the correct handling of the political and military aspects and their inter-relation to mobilise the masses for advancing the revolution has been implemented by the CPN(M).

CPN(M) has skilfully developed its own set of tactics which corresponds to the concrete condition of Nepal. Establishment of the people's power in most of the country and the 19 days nationwide mass demonstrations against the old state in April 2006 created a new situation. By analysing the new situation the CPN(M) synthesised the immediate task of overthrowing the feudal monarchy - the main obstacle for the revolution at this stage - might be achieved peacefully through massive ever growing political intervention. Once again CPN(M) showed it is ready to advance the revolution using both hands; one hand by peaceful means, one hand for taking power by rebellion.

Previously, there were two periods of peace and negotiations, 2001 and 2003, but the new situation in April 2006 once again required political intervention. The third political intervention was carried out within the final stages of the strategic offensive to unite the people and isolate the monarchy even further. The tactic of peace and political offensive invariably conformed with the demands of the revolutionary masses at that stage and consequently strengthen the CPN(M)'s ties with the masses. However, this time CPN(M) had grown to become the major force in the country and therefore its political intervention could have been nothing less than participation in the government representing the people's power in the whole country.

This tactic politicised the whole nation. Every man and woman in the country and abroad was drawn into a nationwide debate. The CPN(M) initiated and led a vibrant debate about the nature and the role of the old state, the autocratic monarchy which is backed by the imperialists and Indian expansionists, and the new state, a Democratic Republic which in the Nepalese context is mainly based on the power of the people.

Indeed, this was a new and a daring experiment in the history of the class struggle in the world. It was based on the fact that the road for revolution is full of twists and turns as well as the fact that there is always a need to create a favourable objective situation to advance the revolution to the next stage. CPN(M) changed its tactical line and the form of the struggle temporarily on the basis of its victorious political and military strategy. In fact, the leaders of the revolution were well aware of the fact that this tactic was definately a new and a risky experiment.

The tactic streched the politicisation of the people to the four corners of the country and beyond. Every person and organisation was faced with the principal question of the revolution at this stage: Autocratic monarchy or democratic republic? The massive political process initiated and led by the CPN(M) provided the opportunity and the choice of the state for all the people. It clearly demonstrated that in spite of its political and military power the CPN(M) is the most democratic organisation in the country, genuinly cares about people's opinion and truly represents the people's interest. During this period not only more and more middle classes were won over to the side of the revolution, even the upper classes were given the same choice and put to the test. CPN(M) has shown that it is striving to create a society within which there will be democracy for the vast majority of the population.

Despite all efforts of the US imperialism and the Indian expansionism against the revolution in Nepal, CPN(M) was successful to form a tactical alliance with the parliamentarian parties to isolate the monarchy. However, since last year certain factions of the ruling class have also tightened their alliance and in fact with the king, because they know that the force of revolution is on the path to sweep their classes out the state power altogether.

Disruption of the democratic political process, instigating and fueling violence against the people especially in Terai, selling out the interests of the masses especially the Madhesis are a few examples of their efforts to isolate the CPN(M). These forces hand in hand with the US imperialists and Indian expansionists are desperately trying to dishearten and divide the people and split the 7 party alliance mainly to discredit the CPN(M). In fact they are putting all their efforts to create a favourable objective situation for imperialists and reactionaries to attack and crush the revolution.

On 18 September 2007 comrade Baburam Bhattari (a senior leader of the revolution) announced in Kathmandu that the CPN(M) has quitted the interim government. He said "Our efforts to declare republic from the parliament has failed. Now we will declare republic from the streets. Therefore, we have decided to come in the midst of the people ... We will struggle for the purpose of having real election not this hypocritical drama ... Our protests will be peaceful but if anybody tries to make it violent we will retaliate with the same kind of actions." This move clearly shows that the CPN(M) tactic has not been on the path of strategically compromising with the old state. Furthermore it proved that unlike all other parties, the CPN(M) is not struggling to gain power for itself but it is leading the revolution with a genuine belief in power to the people.

Revolution in Nepal is advancing in a world situation specific to the first decade of the 21st century within which the objective situation is excellent to make revolution, however, the subjective situation is lagging behind. Thus, the main challenge for the revolutionaries around the world is to overcome their subjective problems of making revolution and in this respect, CPN(M) is a shining example. Today it is essential to mobilise masses to defend the revolution in Nepal as well as applying its lessons to different objective situations. we need more than ever to march shoulder to shoulder with our millions of brothers and sisters in Nepal to make history together.