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Close Him Down!

Hal Turner

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i of the New Jersey State Police Office of Counter Terrorism paid another visit to my home. They delivered a simple message: "Headquarters in Washington has instructed us to close you down."

I thought to myself Oh really? Big deal. Who the hell cares what the FBI in Washington thinks?

So I asked them what the problem was? They told me "You poked the bear once too often and they're tired of it."

That "reason" would be laughable if it wasn't so pathetic.

I thanked Agent Haug and Det. Sgt. Nerbetski for delivering the message and went back inside my house. They left.

The timing of this visit is interesting. For the past couple weeks, I have lead the way in criticizing illegal aliens. During that same period, the jewish Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has ratcheted-up their attacks upon me in the media.

It isn't hard to connect the dots and see how much influence the ADL has with the chiefs in FBI. It is what it is; but it isn't going to remain that way!

For years, I have been content to suffer the slings and arrows of ADL attacks upon me in the media. I am not content to see ADL influence mis-used to set the FBI upon me with overt efforts to intimidate.

This effort at intimidation began in earnest on Tuesday, March 7, 2006 5:24 PM EST. On that date, the FBI called me to "officially warn in the strongest terms possible " that I "will be criminally prosecuted if anything on my web site or radio show can be even remotely linked to any criminal act, occurring anywhere." They specifically mentioned my "POLL" on what method of "communication" would be best understood by Congress to not grant Amnesty to illegal aliens. They even cited a "Guilty" verdict in U.S. District Court, Trenton, NJ in a case involving the "SHAC 7."

That effort at intimidation failed so here we are, on May 10, and they're at it again even more blatantly!

You folks aren't too good at intimidation but I might be. Let me take a stab at it with the following hypothetical metaphor. . . . .

I am sort of like a guy holding two hand grenades with the pins pulled. If I get taken out, the grenades drop and blow up, taking out the people who came for me.

I'm no Randy Weaver at Ruby Ridge. I'm certainly no David Koresh of the Branch Davidian Church in Waco. I'm absolutely no Matt Hale of the World Church of the Creator.

If I had to assess my role in the world, I think I would be more like an inspiration to a whole slew of potential Timothy McVeighs! I don't make bombs, I make bombers.

If my assessment of my influence is correct, it seems to me that before FBI or another government agency takes me out, they need to ask themselves how many government buildings they want to lose to truck bombs if some of my listeners decide to take revenge? 5? 10?

How's that for hypothetical intimidation? Do I have your attention now? Good. Now, listen up: In the five or so years that I have been doing this radio show, I have not violated the law. No one is dead on account of me. Nothing has been destroyed because of me. Up until today, I've been willing to keep it that way. Now, I'm not so sure.

If any of you get the bad idea that my words can no longer be spoken despite the First Amendment, I'm not going to take kindly to that. Now YOU have been warned.

If the ADL and FBI haven't liked what I've been saying in the recent past, I suggest they hold on with both hands - they're in for the ride of their lives!

Hal Turner