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John Pilger Censored by KQED

John Pilger

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breaking work. This year alone he has been awarded Britain's prestigious EMMA multicultural award and Norway's Sophie Prize for his "integrity, thoroughness and courage&for the protection of the powerless".

Why the censorship?

KQED Executive Vice President John Boland explains KQED must focus on "providing quality journalism that informs and educates from reliable sources" rather than program "in reaction to one interest group or another". The much acclaimed Pilger film more than meets the "Boland Test", and that many people want to see it weighs even more against censorship.

Rather than contributing to the unfortunate fact that in the United States there is a poorer understanding of the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians than in the rest of the world, KQED should strive to provide balanced information so that Arabs and Palestinians are not demonized, facts are not distorted, understanding not undermined and an informed America cannot be manipulated to its and the world's peril" such as being told the invasion of Iraq was the key to peace in Palestine.

As a publicly supported television station KQED's responsibility to the community is to present diverse views that open our minds.It should not succumb to internal or external pressure to censor material that might expose a special interest group's views to the scrutiny of daylight. We urge you to ask KQED through phone calls, emails and letters to end its censorship and fulfill its mission: to be "a vital source for quality programming and thought-provoking information".

SEND THE MESSAGE to KQED Board Chair James Canales ( 553-2205), CEO Jeff Clarke ( 553-2301) & Executive VP John Boland (

SUPPORT "Global Information Services" outreach programs that encourage PBS Television stations to broadcast fair and balanced quality films about the Israel/Palestine conflict. Contributions are needed and may be sent to Global Information Services at 336 Bon Air Center #441, Greenbrae, CA 94904. Phone: 415-459-8738; email

Zulfiqar Ahmad, Nautilus Institute*; Basil Ayish, Video for Peace; Khalil Bendib, cartoonist; Dennis Bernstein, KPFA; Marsha Feinland, State Chair, Peace & Freedom Party; Jess Ghannam; David Glick, Board Member, Social Justice Center of Marin; Bluma Goldstein; Susan Green; Mona Halaby, Susie McLean & Cathy Shields, Joining Hands; Barbara Lubin, Middle East Children's Alliance; Tom Miller, General Counsel, Global Exchange; Innosanto Nagara, DesignAction; Marc Sapir, MD, MPH,; Fred Shepherd, Global Information Services; Alison Weir, If Americans Knew *Partial list. Organizations listed for identification purposes only.

SEARCH AND INFORM yourself at web sites such as;;; and;;

* * * * * * *

America, Israel & Palestine: Cause & Effect (TV Series)

Censored! An Open Letter to KQED

KQED's Mission Statements

Letters to Jeff Clarke, President, KQED

Negotiations with KQED

Communities' Advisories to KQED

Community Advisory Panel

Jewish Community Relations Council

Jewish Bulletin Article

KQED Board Meetings

John Pilger's Awards

KQED Address & Contacts

Major KQED Donors