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TRUCK STOPPAGE???? They could save the world!!! Please read my short story!

William L. Wright

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industry. This makes me wonder if you folks are aware of the fact that every single thing you see out there, including the trees and grass, all got here by truck.

Originally it came in by mules and wagons, but still -- everything you can see, from where ever you might be standing, got there by truck. Everything -- including the rings on your fingers!!! It all had to be hauled in. Even if it was just from the railroad yard to the local store -- it came by truck. And that takes fuel -- lots of fuel.

My father came to Collinsville, OK in 1899 to help his dad start The Collinsville News, and dad always told me there wasn't a tree in sight anywhere when he got here. And I have pictures, of his, that show both Collinsville and Skiatook, complete with buildings and houses, and there isn't one tree to be seen anywhere.

Originally this entire country side was covered with buffalo grass that grew 12 feet high. That means it not only had to be hauled away by truck, but the grass we now mow had to be hauled in by truck.

When someone starts a new housing development -- what's the first thing that is done? They must "clear the land" of the weeds before they can start to build. And the last thing that is done is to plant the new grass for you to mow. And all this was done by truck -- not to mention the stuff needed to build the houses.

SO -- a great big SO -- if everything we see, use, and eat, has to get here by truck, doesn't it make sense that when the price of oil goes up for the trucks it also means the price on everything else has to go up, too? And where exactly is that leading us, you might wonder. Sort of scary, isn't it, especially if it goes on up to $4.00 a gallon this summer? $100 to fill your car's tank??? And the main one that makes a big profit on this, other than the oil companies, is the damned tax collector. Guess who he is? Our politicians!

And I would like to suggest that the next time you are driving down the highway, cussing all those danged trucks, you better give it a second thought, since you would not have a single thing to eat if it weren't for them. If they should ever stop, it will take less than three days to eat all the food in Tulsa, and the rest of the country for that matter. And this time you won't be able to go to grandma's to eat out of her garden, like we did back in the 30's.

And the truck drivers could put a stop to all the crazy things that go on in Washington, D. C., and the rest of our country, by simply refusing to drive into Washington, D. C. The truck drivers have our country right in their hands and don't seem to know it. It is time someone does something to save our once great country from the One World Order gang. Please see if you can find a way to get this idea to them. I have no way to do so.

My thanks for your time . . .

William L. Wright

1722 S. Carson Ave., Apt. 2903

Tulsa, OK 74119-4668
