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Nestle Supports Criminal Activity (Video)

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This Contractor needs to be made an example of. Let's go after Nestlé's Foods with such a firestorm of controversy that they have no choice but to terminate this Contractor because of the impact he is having on their sales!

Spread the word and spread the link to this page!!!

Nestlé USA, Inc.

800 North Brand Blvd.

Glendale, CA


(818) 549-6000

To reach Nestlé's USA by e-mail : Click Here

Make known to Nestle your complete disgust for this contractor. Tell Nestlé's that unless they TERMINATE this contractor immediately, you will no longer buy Nestle Products and you will spread this video to all of your family friends and neighbors until Nestlé's sales are impacted throughout the entire United States!

The Contractor is identified from his ID which read:

Nestle’s Prepared Foods Division

Hand Held Foods Group

Contractor #705

(Hot Pockets)

He drove a late model Ford Ranger pick-up truck with California License plates 7K05906.


We Won!

Nestle' Terminates Contractor Who Cursed White People and America! Caught on Video apparently hiring ILLEGAL Aliens While wearing Nestle' Company Badge

By: Hal Turner

The Hal Turner Show is pleased to announce a small victory.

According to an e-mail from Nestle' as of October 26th 2006, they have terminated doing business with this person and his company!

Finally, an anti-white bigot has gotten a comeuppance. WELL DONE!

Nestle's e-mail appears below:

October 26th 2006

Dear Mr. (Name Redacted),

Thank you for contacting us: * The man appearing on the video is an independent contractor, not a Nestlé employee.

* Nestlé is no longer doing business with this individual or his company.

* Like you, we were appalled at the behavior of the contractor. The man in no way represents Nestlé views or policies. As an outside contractor, he had a temporary contractor badge at the time he was filmed.

* Nestlé follows all laws regarding documentation of our workers. We only employ those who have the right to legally work in the US.

Thank you for your concerns.


Lyle Burling

Consumer Response Manager