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May God Richly Bless Those Who Don’t Forget and Never Give Up

Christopher Blatto

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yone knows someone in the Bureau of Prisons or in Congress who can commence an investigation into the torture of Irwin Schiff, please seek them out and ask them to intervene. For all of us, let us pray to the Supreme “Intervener” that He will take away this suffering from those who have worked so hard to tell the American people the truth. And as hard as it is, we must pray for those who would inflict such horrors on their fellow human beings. May God have mercy on their souls.


Thursday, July 20, 2006

Here is an update on Irwin Schiff posted by "the Constitutionalist", one of our commenters.


When Mr. Schiff was not allowed to present evidence or witnesses at his trial the IRS agents and pro prosecution types that haunt this blog spot denied those facts. When the IRS illegally took Mr. Schiff's commissary funds which kept him from buying anything in prison to make his life tolerable they were silent. Well, here is another activity the employers of all DOJ and IRS agents are engaged in they can be proud of.

Mr. Schiff requested his sentence be served in Connecticut. The real criminal during Me. Schiff's trial, Judge Dawson, granted that request. However, that is not exactly what happened. During a four month period the almost eighty year old Mr. Schiff was transferred from Las Vegas via New Mexico to Arizona. Then to California. Next came Oklahoma. Now he is in New Jersey. Each time he was shackled hand to foot and in a cage on a bus sitting on a hard bench for hours on end. This is referred to as "Diesel Therapy."

Even though they know Mr. Schiff has a condition that prevents him from feeling anything below his knees they made him wear army boots. After he removed those boots his socks were soaked with blood and all the skin had worn off of his toes!

Not only is he being his physically tortured but because the prison system does not forward mail it also keeps Mr. Schiff from receiving mail from the people who are helping him with his appeal or are concerned about his welfare. Five of our letters to him have been returned as "Unknown Inmate."

We will not be surprised if the next address for Mr. Schiff is Guantanamo Bay Cuba, Abograve or Boot Hill in a unmarked pauper's grave.

It is obvious to us this is a effort to incapacitate or kill Mr. Schiff to shut him up before he can embarrass the federal justice system during his appeal.

Therefore, we hope those DOJ employees and IRS agents beam with pride as they tell their grandchildren just how proud they should be of the humane way their masters treat a proud, honest patriot whose health is failing.

The Constitutionalist

posted by David Jahn @ 7/20/2006 11:18:00 PM Comments (75) | Trackback


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-For those who are unfamiliar with what has transpired to date in this case, especially the recent acquittal on all charges leveled against me, please visit , and (click on "IRS LOCKOUT UPDATE"). You can also find archives of informative radio shows at .

-Prayers in support of this effort are always welcomed and encouraged.

Contributions to my legal defense fund are also welcomed due to the significant costs of defending against multiple and continuing IRS attacks.

Checks or money orders are gratefully accepted and can be made payable to "Joseph Banister Legal Defense Fund", and mailed to 1805 N. Carson Street, #188, Carson City, Nevada 89701. Money orders may provide a greater degree of privacy to the donor than checks so use your own discretion based on the degree of privacy you desire.

-Visit for more information as to how you can obtain information about my recent trial and contribute to my legal defense fund at the same time.

-My sincere thanks to those who have prayed for the success of our efforts and/or contributed to my legal defense fund. Your continued support is enabling me to illustrate, in detail and in a very public manner, that the IRS does not prevail against citizens because the agency adheres to the rule of law, but that the IRS prevails against citizens because the agency ignores the law, twists the meaning of the law, and overwhelms the citizen with economic and legal burdens. In a school yard, such tactics are called "BULLYING". In a government setting, such tactics are called "TYRANNY". This effort is the equivalent of ganging up on the bully and sending him to reform school where he belongs.


Kind regards,

Joseph R. (Joe) Banister, C.P.A.

Former IRS Criminal Investigation Division Special Agent

II Chronicles 7:14:

And my people, upon whom my name is called, being converted, shall make supplication to me, and seek out my face, and do penance for their most wicked

ways: then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

George Orwell, 1984:

"You are a slow learner, Winston," said O'Brien gently.

"How can I help it?" he blubbered. "How can I help seeing what is in front of my eyes? Two and two are four."

"Sometimes, Winston. Sometimes they are five. Sometimes they are three.

Sometimes they are all of them at once. You must try harder. It is not easy to become sane."