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We Are Confused: "What Is Happening To The So-Called FSIA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) 'Moderization' Bill???

Perry Willis - Communications Director DownsizeDC.

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t to do about it

We admit it. We're confused. We would like to be able to tell you what is happening with the so-called FISA "modernization" bill -- which may legalize government spying on innocent Americans -- but we can't. No one understands what is going on with this bill, including the members of Congress.

There are so many different versions of this bill, and amendments to it, and back-room negotiations and deals being made, that no one really knows anything about what will come to the floor. And yet, Congressional leaders want to rush to a vote before they recess.

This shouldn't be happening, and it couldn't happen if's "Read the Bills Act" (RTBA) was the law of the land.

There's also a lot of lying going on. For instance, President Bush has claimed that the FISA law hasn't been updated since 1978. TRUTH: The FISA law has been updated more than 50 times since 1978, including multiple times since Bush was elected.

President Bush signed these updates into law! Our elected leaders really are scoundrels.

Here's what we're going to do. Let's hit them on two fronts today. First, send Congress a message telling them not to rush to a vote on FISA modernization before they leave. Stress this in your comments. NO RUSHED VOTES!

We've defeated this monster before by delaying a vote, and there's a real chance we can do that again now.

You can send that message here.

Second, hit them on the "Read the Bills Act." Send them a message about RTBA. Tell them the confused rush to a vote on FISA modernization is proof that we need's "Read the Bills Act" with its 7-day waiting period before a vote can be held on any bill.

You can send that message here.

Finally, it would be really helpful if you could make phone calls too, stressing these points. You will see the phone numbers for your elected representatives when you log-in to send your message to Congress (or when you register if you are sending a message for the first time).

Sorry for the confusion, but that's the way these guys operate.

Thank you for being a DC Downsizer.

Perry Willis

Communications Director, Inc.

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