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U.S. Celebrates Independence Day

Hal Turner

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keys were -- in the car!

Stores didn't need metal gates on the front to protect them.

Banks didn't need bullet proof glass at Teller windows.

Children could go out to play for HOURS at a time and never worry about being beaten, robbed, raped or killed.

You could walk on any street, in any town, at any hour of the day or night in complete safety.

Schools educated with real facts, and students were required to learn.

We could all get jobs, earn enough to buy a house and live "The American Dream" of giving our children a better life than we had.

Our politicans obeyed our will; our courts applied common sense and none of us was offended to stand together in public and pray.

THAT was "White America."

Sadly, in the last 20-30 years, America has changed - and not for the better.

NONE of the things mentioned above are the reality today.

Our nation is being invaded by inferior people from inferior cultures who don't learn our language and don't even want to become "Americans."

Our politicans ignore us; our courts ignore things that are actually in our Constitution and find things that aren't in it.

Our nation is waging aggressive wars based upon outright lies.

Our jobs are being sent overseas; we manufacture almost nothing here anymore.

We're told to embrace diversity - which really means anything "not white."

When we see, hear about or suffer violent crime, we're told to be quiet because the criminals are "victims of society."

If we say anything about people's bad behavior, we're called "intolerant" or Hateful"

At the ripe old age of 230, America is becoming a third world cesspool.

You know I'm right. You've seen it happening.

We've seen so much pain on so many faces. We've seen so many dirty things and dirty places. We've had to close our eyes and close our minds to avoid being overwhelmed by all of it.

Some of us aren't going to take it anymore.

As we remember what America was like, I am sad to tell all of you that it is going to take a lot of EXTREME VIOLENCE to get back what our nation has lost.

None of us wanted it to be this way, but it is going to be this way and we'd better be ready.

When the violence comes - and it will come soon - don't be surprised.

Many men are now feminized and think these problems can be fixed with education and talk. They're wrong. Thankfully, there are many more of us who are still men; who are still willing to shed blood for what's necessary -- and what is right.

We will take back by force what has been taken from us and from our posterity - just like our Founding Fathers took their liberty by force.

When America was founded, we had to kill many savages and overthrow by force what was at the time, the most powerful government on earth.

The way things are going, it looks like we may have to do those things again- - even though the savages are both home grown and imported; and even though the most powerful government on earth is presently our own.

Happy Fourth of July! -- Hal Turner