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Truth Attack - News from the Front

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First, “What are we going to do?” TA will engage in a number of activities, all of which will help make the IRS’s big lie apparent to the public.

· Letter writing to representatives and officials demanding that the lies and theft of labor stop (thousands have already been sent)

· E-mails to the same stating the same demand

· Letters to the Editor in hundreds of cities across the country dispersing the Truth

· IT T-Troopers producing and posting Video Blogs and email forwards showering the internet

· PR and media T-Troopers writing and publishing articles in thousands of newspapers and local magazines

· PR T-Troopers will also arrange for news coverage of demonstrations, court proceedings and other TA activities

· FREE Seminars across the country informing the People of the big lie and recruiting new T-Troopers

· Demonstrations at IRS criminal and civil proceedings demanding the courts follow the law

· Courtroom fills, letting judges know that they are being watched and holding them to the law and letting jurors know that there is a genuine, not frivolous, issue

· Lawyers advising demonstrators and courtroom fillers to ensure their safety

· The same lawyers pressing the legal academic community to recognize the legitimate, not frivolous, issues regarding the tax on labor

· And, all the while, YOU conducting your own word of mouth campaign among your family, neighbors and co-workers, triggering the most powerful force in the country, Vox Populi, the Voice of the People!

Later, when we have more funding and people, there will be larger demonstrations and rallies staged in key “Hot Spots” and we will be supporting legal proceedings challenging the IRS’s ignoring the law and building a body of law recognizing the issues surrounding the big lie as legitimate, not frivolous.

The Truth is our most potent weapon. These things are TRUE:

· We own our own labor—we are NOT SLAVES, either in whole or in part.

· Our labor is not worthless, so we do not obtain our personal earnings in exchange for nothing—our personal earnings are not 100% profit (income).

· We have a God-given fundamental RIGHT, not privilege, to earn a living through any chosen lawful occupation—a right that cannot be taxed any more than free speech or freedom of religion

· While there is an income tax law, no part of that tax law makes the average working American liable for the tax—THERE IS NO LAW

Every Patriot is needed at the front. If you are not part of this adventure, then enlist today. Get your Kit, which provides detailed instructions on how you can help defeat the big lie by spreading the Truth.


TA needs to know of each and every IRS civil and criminal proceeding (“Hot Spots”) in the country. If you know of any proceedings, please obtain the following details:

· Name of the proceeding (U.S. v. Vic Tum)

· Court (Lower District of Elbonia)

And mail it to This will allow us to include the proceeding in the coming “Hot Spots” page to alert T-Troopers in the area of the next court date.