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Oppose Mandatory HPV Vaccination of Schoolgirls

Lou and Dr. BoB Wyman

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one decision, Gov. Perry, a leader with a strong pro-family record, has short-circuited the kind of legislative debate that is most likely to produce a law that will counter the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and protect the constitutional rights of parents to make medical decisions affecting their children's health.

Your help is needed: Call Gov. Perry at (512) 463-1849 and ask him to rescind his executive order and allow the Texas state legislature to vote on this issue.

The health objectives involved are certainly vital. The vaccine in question - trade-named Gardasil and produced by Merck & Co. pharmaceuticals - is reportedly safe and effective against strains of HPV that cause 70% of the cases of cervical cancer, a malady that kills some 3,700 women a year in the United States. Like other vaccines, however, Gardasil is not without risk of side-effects. Moreover, it is administered in a series of three doses whose cost is at least $360 per patient and possibly much higher. Because HPV infection is caused by sexual activity, it is not transmitted by casual contact and therefore is not in the same class as other diseases like polio for which mandatory, school-based vaccination is a public health imperative.

Informed and empowered, most parents will decide to have their children vaccinated against HPV, but many will decide to do so only after more health data has emerged, when their daughter is older, or in settings that minimize the risk that the vaccination will be administered in a manner that promotes the myth of "safe sex." These parents have rights too, and Gov. Perry's sweeping order, even with its "opt-out" feature, tramples on their wisdom and usurps their responsibility. An information and "opt-in" policy for Gardasil would better serve the rights of all Texas families.

Please call Gov. Perry and let him know you support restoring the legislative process on Gardasil in order to preserve parental rights. His order has galvanized the HPV vaccine debate across the United States and put new focus on the balance between public health and parental rights, a balance that has suffered so much in our sexualized culture.

Thank you for taking action today and God bless you.

Oppose Mandatory HPV Vaccination of Schoolgirls


Tony Perkins


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