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The Socialist (Communist) Pledge of Allegiance---Of By and For Communitsts

Billy Joe Mauldin

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alist German Workers' Party (Nazis). The gesture was the early salute in the Pledge of Allegiance to the USA's flag.

The United States also popularized robotic chanting to flags, as well as the use of the swastika as S-shaped symbolism for "socialism" in the early late 1800's and early 1900's.

A frightening photograph is at More amazing photographs are at Those discoveries are receiving growing media coverage Fan Mail is also growing for work exposing the Pledge's poisonous pedigree

Those historical facts explain the enormous size and scope of government today, and the USA's growing police state. They are reasons for massive reductions in government, taxation, spending and socialism.

"Stop The Pledge" (STP), a pressure group, works to repeal laws in those states that still retain a daily Pledge ritual in government schools. The group needs help in notifying the public to contribute information (via email at or the contact info below) for a study of how many students are taught the whole history of the Pledge; how many students still chant robotically each day; and how many students feel they would be disciplined or persecuted for refusals. Many students say that they sit during the Pledge because they "refuse to kiss the government's butt every morning." STP pays students to reject robotic ritualism and to "take the pledge not to pledge."

The ongoing Pledge litigation in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in California includes these issues in the brief by Attorney Rex Curry at The brief is archived under "current litigation" at

Dr. Curry showed that the early Pledge Of Allegiance did not use an ancient Roman salute, and that the 'ancient Roman salute' myth came from the Pledge Of Allegiance.

Government schools in the USA popularized the straight-arm salute for three decades before, and through, the creation of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSGWP). People were persecuted for refusing to perform robotic chanting to the national flag at the same time in the USA and Germany (to the American flag, and to the German symbol flag).

The dogma behind the Pledge was the same dogma that led to the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): ~60 million slaughtered under the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; ~50 million under the Peoples' Republic of China; ~20 million under the National Socialist German Workers' Party. It was the worst slaughter of humanity ever.

The author of the Pledge (1892), Francis Bellamy, was a self-proclaimed National Socialist, as was his cousin to Edward Bellamy, author of an international bestseller that launched the Nationalism movement globally. Edward's book was translated into every major language, including German. The Bellamy boys promoted "Military Socialism." They wanted government to take over all schools and impose robotic chanting to flags. When the government granted their wish, government schools imposed segregation by law and taught racism as official policy. That behavior even outlasted German National Socialism.

In addition to the notorious salute, American socialists (e.g. Edward Bellamy teamed with the Theosophical Society) also bear some blame for the notorious symbol used by the National Socialist German Workers Party on its Swastika flag. While Edward and the Theosophical Society worked together, the swastika symbol was used by the Society. It was used as alphabetical symbolism for socialism, and adopted later by German socialists as their flag symbol. The NSGWP had clear roots in National Socialism promoted in the USA.

Although an ancient symbol, the swastika was altered for use as overlapping S-letters for 'socialism.' It was deliberately turned 45 degrees counter clockwise and always oriented in the S-direction. Similar alphabetic symbolism is still visible as the Volkswagen VW logo.

American soldiers used the swastika symbol in WWI (against Germany) and the symbol was used by the American military during WWII.

The discoveries are part of the growing work of the historian Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Pledge of Allegiance Secrets"). They have been reviewed and verified on Wikipedia. Every journalist who has examined the new discoveries has confirmed them.

The USA is still the worst example in the world of bizarre laws that require robotic chanting to a national flag in government schools every day for 12 years. It has changed generations of Americans from libertarians to authoritarians. The government bamboozled individuals into believing that robotic group-chanting in government schools is a beautiful expression of freedom.

For more information contact - Tinny Ray Stop The Pledge P.O. Box 8816 Tampa, FL 33674-8816