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I Divorce You--An Open Letter To Tony Blair


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Britain, I divorce you. An open letter to Tony Blair.


4th August 2006

To: Mr A Blair, Prime Minister, Great Britain

It is with regret that it is necessary for me to write this letter, but necessary it is, and it has waited for too long.

Like so many, I have sat idly by whilst Britain, held by much of the World to be the ideal democracy, has descended through aggression, ignorance, propaganda, rhetoric and utter indifference to public opinion into a murderous, lying, sycophantic nanny State of which Orwell would have been proud.

Not content with totally and deliberately misleading the British public into an unnecessary, unwarranted and unethical war, the British “Government” (and here I make no distinction between the incumbents and their alleged “opposition”, all of whom serve the same masters) now sees it fit to lie, cheat, swindle, defraud and coerce that very public into supporting a heinous, illegal and barbaric war of aggression against the innocent civilians of Lebanon and Palestine.

The so-called “facts” reported by the “independent” British media reek with the pungent stench of political one-sidedness to an extent never-before witnessed by man. That the British public is so used to such propaganda that it accepts it unquestioningly is a sign of such overwhelming control of public thought that evidence is no longer even required and is frequently inconvenient.

Yet the British public does not want war, either in Iraq, in Lebanon or in Palestine.

The British public does not believe its Government.

The British public knows that its Government lies to it.


The British Government does not represent its people.


Israel is a Nation born, bred and raised in hate, racism and apartheid, ably supported by its British midwife. The Balfour declaration (passively allowed to represent “British” opinion) was a clear indictment of that hatred and racism, although few Britons have ever heard of it.

Apartheid is alive and well in Israel, with overt state support backed by the overwhelming military power both of Israel and its American chequebook. To criticise this immoral, unethical and unsupportable behemoth is to be accused of anti-Semitism by a PR apparatus as far removed from the tribe of Shem and their ethical and moral values as is practicably possible.

Yet, I ask:

Is it anti-Semitic to abhor racism?

Is it anti-Semitic to stand against apartheid?

Is it anti-Semitic to oppose hate?

No-one can say honestly that it is with any moral justification.

It is not a question of religious beliefs, it is a question of common (or in this case, uncommon) decency, ethics and morality. Hatred is unsupportable in any guise. Racism is universally denied as immoral. Apartheid has long been held by all societies (except one) to be unacceptable and reprehensible. Why not in the case of Israel?

Because the Palistinian, Iraqi and Lebanese peoples are portrayed (in a press utterly under the control of the Zionist machine) as the aggressors at every opportunity. That Governments like Britain’s know this to be false, yet ignore it, is, at best, a lack of due diligence, and at worst criminal negligence.

When people are taken from their beds in the middle of the night (in their thousands, as has happened in Palestine for years), held captive, without legal representation, trial or contact with their families, THAT is called kidnapping.

When heavily armed soldiers cross an internationally recognised border to attack civilian populations and are caught in the process, as was the case in both Palestine and Lebanon in July 2006, THAT is the capture of enemy combatants seized entirely legally in an act of war.

That Hezbollah is condemned for firing rockets into Israel is correct. That it goes unreported that Israel has fired hundreds of much more devastating rockets into Palestine weekly for many months is a sign of a press that is utterly subservient, totally lacking in moral fibre and devoid of all independence.

That Israel spouts “UN Resolutions” when convenient is belied by that fact that it has consistently and unapologetically ignored every single one of the 50-plus Resolutions made against itself, whether concerning the Geneva Convention (Resolutions 446, 471, 607), illegal settlements (Resolutions 446, 452, 465) or unwarranted aggression (Resolutions too numerous to mention).

That Britain (by abstention) and the USA have vetoed dozens more similar Resolutions and Security Council measures is unconscionable.

That I must turn to Americans, of all people, for guidance in this matter, is disappointing. Yesterdays “terrorists” turned today’s “Founding Fathers” displayed the courage, wisdom and morality that is sadly lacking in their successors on either side of the channel. To wit -

“The most effectual engines for [pacifying a nation] are the public papers... [A despotic] government always [keeps] a kind of standing army of newswriters who, without any regard to truth or to what should be like truth, [invent] and put into the papers whatever might serve the ministers.”

Thomas Jefferson to G. K. van Hogendorp

Oct. 13, 1785. (*) ME 5:181, Papers 8:632

“Those willing to give up a little liberty for a little security deserve neither security nor liberty. “

Benjamin Franklin

“What country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time that its people preserve the spirit of resistance. “

Thomas Jefferson

“I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. . . . Corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money-power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed. “

Abraham Lincoln (quoted in Jack London's The Iron Heel).

That “time” is most surely upon us and is evidenced by the increasingly obvious corruption in industry, Government, Politics, law and monetary policy. The society that ignores this does so at its imminent peril.

“They came for the communists, and I did not speak up because I wasn't a communist;

They came for the socialists, and I did not speak up because I was not a socialist;

They came for the union leaders, and I did not speak up because I wasn't a union leader;

They came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak up for me. “

Martin Niemoller, 1892-1984

Or, in the words of a more recent commentator,

“Washing one's hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral. “

Paulo Freire, educator (1921-1997)

No longer do I passively side with the powerful.

No longer will I accept the lies of the media, Politicians and Government.

No longer can I give my tacit support to a country that has ceased to represent my moral, ethical or human values.

If to be British is to support such heinous activities, policies and atrocities then I have no desire for that appellation.

If to be British is to passively enable the destruction of another society by a backyard bully (either in the case of Iraq, Lebanon or Palestine), then I choose not that nationality.

If to be British is to be a member of a supremacist, hateful, “don’t think, never act” club, I resign my membership.

It is therefore with deep regret that I choose not to be included with the unpardonable apathy, unconscionable ignorance and utter aindifference to suffering and morality that now seems to pervade the Britain that I once knew.


Ex-British Citizen