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If You Want Your America Back

Mr. Chuckles,

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le will march in the streets and demand change. A majority is unnecessary. Eighty percent can sit home and do nothing if just twenty percent will march.

Votes mean almost nothing in this two party system. Both major parties are controlled, bought and paid for by lobbyists of corporations, the wealthy and foreign interests.

So, your party got fifty-one percent of the votes? That just means that it's your turn to be betrayed. It only means that the people you voted for get a chance to loot and mislead, while the people you voted against see their share of the loot diminished until it's their turn to 'lead' again.

The Democrats will not stop the Iraq War, or prevent the coming attack on Iran, unless tens of millions of Americans march in the streets.

We saw recently that when La Raza took to the streets -- although many Americans were outraged at the sight of all those Mexican flags, the politicians took serious notice. Now both parties are fighting for the Latino vote in November, 2008.

When tens of millions march to City Hall, and to the Governor's mansion, and to the White House, then the politicians will change, or be thrown out of office.

If tens of millions march on, say, this July 4th, then the Bush Regime will be removed from office and the war will end.

If you want your America back, we will have to take it ourselves -- in the streets, one block at a time. We'll have to shock and awe these cowardly little men who order soldiers to war, while hiding behind their desks and security guards.

These war criminals, these lying, deceiving, murdering thieves who spit on our Constitution, who sent our soldiers to die for Exxon's oil, who stole our tax money, who sent our jobs overseas and rewarded the job-shipping corporations with tax breaks, those people understand nothing but power and force.