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Tell Senate Republicans: Bring Our Troops Home!

Natasha N., Care2.Action Alerts

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ng change in Iraq and bring our troops home »

We need Republican senators of conscience and courage who are willing to vote their convictions and stand up to President Bush on Iraq as he continues to call for patience with his failed strategy. It's time that Republican senators who are supporting Bush's failed policy hear from us.

We’re tired of the fear mongering and empty slogans by Republican leaders who are playing politics in support of a failed mission. Because as Senator Bob Casey has said, "Every time the President asks for more time on his policy in Iraq, there's only one group of Americans who pay the price for that - the troops and their families - over and over and over again."

Tell Senator Mitch McConnell and Republican Senators: The real way to support our troops is to start bringing them home.

Thank you for taking action.

Natasha N.

Care2 Campaign Team

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