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John Klar Update on Ed Brown Stand Off (Update Jan. 20, 2007) Exclusive!!John Lar's Taxing Issue

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We the People Scoop 1/18/07


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John Klar Update on Ed Brown Stand Off

----- Original Message -----

From: JK

Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 8:52 PM

Subject: [TheRevolutionaryCoalition] Update on Ed Brown

We filmed Ed's interviews all day today, and are going into the studio tomorrow to document his position more thoroughly than the mainstream press snippets. (In fact, Ed declined to take the call below because he was filming with us and others, and had Bernie answer the phone, which just kept ringing all day).

We will do our best to capture Ed's side of this dispute, and will make the video available for viewing as soon as possible. Many media people came to the house today, but we hope to do Ed justice by allowing him to tell his own story without going through five managers, as one reporter said would occur to their footage before it hit the news (Channel 4 Boston). We would have stayed if the feds showed up, but it looks like they may cool their jets for a while and hope things cool off. Ed is exhausted, but is truly grateful for the immense support he has been receiving. It seems obvious that it is not just Ed which is making this story grow, but the ardent and far-reaching support his story is creating. Personally, I think the mainstream media are completely baffled by the fact that so many people are rushing to Ed's aid, an aspect we tried to catch in our filming today: we shot the press as they interviewed him, and you can see that they are bewildered and trying to understand what's going on. Perhaps the internet is becoming a driver of news now, for there is no doubt that Rick Stanley's and others' efforts are galvanizing people where there would otherwise be no story. Please keep up the effort, for the feds are surely counting on a lull to then grab Ed. He's ready to go, though he'd prefer peace and life. Please pray for him and his family, and for those who are there in support. Ed has plenty of room in his house, and a large heated barn. When we left at 5:30 EST, supporters had lit a bonfire at the end of the Browns' driveway, and some were sleeping in tents by the road. Ed is not alone in his ordeal. We'll be going back down in a few days for part two, God willing.

J K.


One by one the government will hang loyal american separately.

Holed-up tax protester, wife convicted

By PHILIP ELLIOTT, Associated Press Writer 18 minutes ago

CONCORD, N.H. - A man who has holed up with armed supporters in his cement-walled house for most of his tax evasion trial was found guilty Thursday, along with his wife, of failing to pay federal income taxes for a decade.

Ed Brown has said he will defend himself against capture if necessary.

U.S. Marshal Stephen Monier said Thursday that members of his staff continued talking by telephone with Brown and had no plans to confront him.

Ed Brown's wife, Elaine, a dentist who earned most of the couple's income, has been staying with a son in Massachusetts and attended the trial.

The Browns, of Plainfield, contend the law does not require them to pay federal income tax, while the government says the Browns owe more than $625,000. The Browns stopped paying income taxes in 1996 and stopped filing returns in 1998, a prosecutor said. They could each face decades in prison.

A jury decided they employed a scheme to hide their income and avoid taxes in part by using postal money orders in increments just below the reporting threshold to pay for their hilltop compound. Courts have routinely rejected similar attempts by other taxpayers.

Marshals now have to consider how to seize the Browns' assets. The jury was deliberating whether the Browns should lose their home.

"We've established a good line of communication, all of our conversations have been amicable and friendly, and that's how we expect they will continue," Monier said.

Ed Brown stopped attending court midway through the trial, which began Jan. 9. His wife remains out on bail pending the couple's April 24 sentencing; she has said she loves her husband, but that his way of handling the case is not hers.

A man who answered the telephone at the Browns' house Thursday afternoon said Ed Brown could not come to the phone, but had expected a guilty verdict.

"He's here at the house, and he's not leaving of his own free will," said the man, who identified himself only as Bernie.

Ed Brown, a retired exterminator, has said he stayed home to protest a system that had already convicted him.

"Most Americans would cower and cringe and raise their hands and surrender like a good little slave," he told reporters at his home this week.

"I won't. Under no circumstances. I do not tolerate cowardliness, oppression, bulliness, and I certainly don't tolerate a federal agency that has absolutely zero jurisdiction in my state, never mind in my county, in my town."

STANLEY NOTE: Those Americans who can are being summoned to participate in a ring of pretection for Ed Brown are feeling the heat of an oppressive history from the past. Come and go as you please, but get there. This is a flashpoint for America. There is no justice in American courtrooms, that has been demonstrated, time and again. The time for defending America from the POLICE STATE OF AMERICA has arrived in my opinion. What did you do during Ruby Ridge, Waco, Rainbow Farms, and any of the thousands of government attacks upon Americans? Nothing, did you? Your own mind is urging you to take a good hard look at yourself, your future, your children's future. It doesn't even look like there is one in the POLICE STATE OF AMERICA. Would you do nothing? Will you look back upon this moment and say, "I wish I had done something to stand up for America, back then, when it mattered." Will you one day have to say that, or can you do something right now? This is America's choice, right now. This is your choice, right now. Slavery or liberty, that is the choice America. What will it be?

Free or Die! Liberty in our Lifetime! We the People Scoop Reply to: Listen to: Standing Up for America Radio Show with Rick Stanley Every Sunday, 6pm MST for 1 hour On Truth Radio Network to listen, click here: Sponsored by: Stanley Fasteners and Shop Supply Also check out The Revolutionary Coalition! This group is working to unite all third parties that defend the constitution, independents, and non-voters (making up 60% of Americans) into one SUPER THIRD PARTY!


Exlcusive!!! John Klar's Taxing Issue


Mr. Brown selected John Klar and NEK-TV to have his message delivered direct to the nation.

John Stoddard Klar is the only Investigative Journalist allowed INSIDE the home of Ed Brown during Mr. Brown’s Standoff with Federal authorities.

Ed is 64 years old. His wife is a dentist. They have not filed or paid federal income taxes since 1997. Prosecutors claim (based upon arbitrary figures provided by the IRS) that the couple "owes" $625,000 in taxes. A jury agreed in court on Thursday the 18th.

Ed Brown stayed in his home throughout the week. The large, cement-walled house features a watchtower that offers 360-degree views of the rural setting. He said the home is capable of generating enough electricity to operate if cut off from the main grid.

Brown said he expected federal agents to swarm his property soon. "Live free or die," he said, quoting Gen. John Stark and the state's motto. "What else can I say?"

Brown and his on-site supporters said they will defend themselves if necessary.

While Brown will speak with the media via telephone or by standing in the doorway of his home, only ONE media contact was permitted inside, for a one-on-one exclusive interview and behind the scenes look at this high-tension conflict. NEK-TV and JOHN KLAR have done what no other national media outlet could do. This is a tribute to the fairness and balance that Community television provides.

At NEK-TV, everyone’s opinion matters, and everyone’s voice should be heard.


John Stoddard Klar hails from humble roots. He has worked as a dishwasher, grocery store clerk, busboy, waiter, and cook; he has worked in factories, as a foundation laborer, a mason's tender, a landscaper, and a housepainter. He hitch-hiked across the country at the age of nineteen, and has traveled extensively in Europe, including nearly three years living in different parts of England.

John earned his Bachelor's of Arts degree with a double major in English and Political Science from the University of Connecticut. He then graduated with honors from the University of Connecticut School of Law. He spent three years as a tax consultant with public accountants Coopers & Lybrand, including one year in the United Kingdom. He then operated a successful law practice in Connecticut for six years as a criminal, family, and personal injury practitioner, until he became very ill with fibromyalgia syndrome. The intense and enduring pain of this condition led Mr. Klar to spiritual growth and a first-time belief in Jesus Christ. He moved to Vermont, where he and his family farmed for seven years. John learned that his illness had been caused by Lyme disease, and his health improved after four years of antibiotic therapy, which continues. The improvement in his health permitted him to research and write his popular book on the Bush presidency Christian Words, Unchristian Actions.

Visit John Klar’s Website at


Click to watch version with extended John Klar Interview

Lo-Res Extended Version