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Browns Siege: Feds Say They Are Going In

Steve Watson

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nduct an aborted raid last week, told Elaine Brown that they were coming in.

Given that the Browns now know the marshals have no honor and they have flat out lied before, it is likely that they mean exactly the opposite of anything they openly say to the Browns.

Local security hacks have also heard police scanner radios, on which it has been suggested that two Special Weapons Observation Reconnaissance Detection System, (SWORDS) combat robots (see picture below) are going to be sent into the property at some point soon.

In addition Federal vehicles have been spotted in local hotel parking lots. Yesterday we exclusively revealed that the Browns believed their home had been infiltrated by an informer.

The Browns remain without power, the internet and have telephone access fleetingly, seemingly only when the authorities wish to contact them.

Ruby Ridge Siege survivor Randy Weaver told the Alex Jones show yesterday that if he can raise the funds he will make a stand and travel to stay with the Browns in New Hampshire.

"I'm really worried for the Browns out there, personally I would like to be out there and stand with these people... If they had a bunch of people, that's what helped save us up at Ruby Ridge, those of us that survived anyway." said Weaver.

Weaver also hinted that the legal team that won him cases in the wrongful killing of some of his family at Ruby Ridge are watching the situation with the Browns carefully to see what transpires.

Weaver has walked a thousand miles in the Browns shoes, having his wife and child killed by federal authorities in the brutal siege that took place in 1992.

"As long as they are still allowing outside people to go into their place I don't think they are planning an imminent dynamic entry. They may be still trying to get snitches in there... But once they block the roads off and keep people at least a mile or two miles away that's when you know they are going to come down hard on them." Weaver continued.

Weaver offered some sound advice for the Browns:

"Be real cool, let them fire first, cos if they go in they'll be coming in hard and heavy real fast, and stand up and do what is right. But if it comes down to it then when its all said and done the feds will just claim that its their fault and leave it at that and get away with it."

Meanwhile Danny Riley, the man who was shot and tasered on the Browns' property has had his google and youtube accounts blocked so he cannot upload anymore videos. Riley told infowars that he was a nervous wreck and still feared for his safety.

He cannot reveal full details of what he is going through but informed us that the authorities are "hanging things over his head" in an attempt to get him to cooperate with them. The feds keep warning him to stop telling people that the FBI is involved in the case.
