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Mixican Government Demanded the Prosecution of Border Agents Ramos and Compean

Steve Elliott

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U.S. prosecute agents Ramos and Compean. I am asking every member of our team listen to this riveting interview by clicking here:

++ Schedule Your Faxes today!

Just days ago, we initiated a massive fax campaign targeting the key players in this outrageous case, including President Bush, U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton, the Department of Justice, Homeland Security and key Senators and Congressmen.

This latest admission that the Mexican Government is dictating U.S. border policy is simply too outrageous to ignore, and I'm asking EVERY member of our team who hasn't yet scheduled their faxes to do so right now by clicking here:

If you'd prefer not to use our Faxfire service and would rather send the faxes on your own, please feel free to use our letters. The fax list and letters can easily be downloaded simply by visiting the Faxfire page:

Patrick H., this is your best chance to "weigh-in" and express your outrage over the unfolding tragedy that has two U.S. border agents in peril.

Already 36,000 faxes have been scheduled, but with this latest revelation, I'm hoping to push our totals past 50,000 faxes in the next day or two!

After scheduling your personalized faxes, I'd like you to do one more important thing on behalf of agents Ramos and Compean.

++ Action Item--Call the White House and Congress!

We've been told that the White House is overwhelmed with calls for agents Ramos and Compean. We must keep the pressure on high. Please make it a point to call the White House and demand a full pardon for the agents, and an investigation into this case.

Use either of these two numbers: 202/456-1111, 202/456-1414.

I also encourage you to contact your Congressmen and Senators by calling:


Let them know your outrage over this latest admission that the Mexican Government is dictating U.S. border policy!

Be sure to listen to Jerome Corsi's exclusive interview with me by clicking below, and again, thank you in advance for all you are doing to help right this terrible wrong and free agents Ramos and Compean.

As always, thank you for standing with Grassfire.

Steve Elliott, President Alliance

P.S: After scheduling your faxes, please forward this message to 30-40 friends--urging them to add their names to our petition to pardon agents Ramos and Compean.

++ Sign our petition:

++Schedule your faxes:

+ + Feedback or comments on this update?

Please go to and post your comments so that the Grassfire staff along with thousands of citizens can benefit from your thoughts and opinions:

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