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Married to Citizen Steve Heller

by Gregory, Michelle

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o what is right. He's your loyal friend to the end. Hell, he's even kind to animals and children.

We've held each other's hands through good times and bad, helped each other through losses of loved ones, career setbacks and personal disappointments. So when the police came to our door a year and a half ago, we did what we do best: stood by each other. (Technically, we sat down on the sofa, but you get the idea.) It's a completely surreal experience to be guarded by men in bullet proof vests while they search your home. They confiscated cell phones, computers, address books . . . and, come to think of it, I haven't seen my favorite shoes since that day either . . . hmmm . . .

My first thought was that there was some mistake and that this was just one of those odd things that no one will believe actually happened to you. Then I realized they had my computer with all the scripts I'd written for my theatre company. If the DA puts on a talent show - they better not use any of my material!

Steve lost his job and it was difficult for me to be the sole breadwinner. Thankfully, we don't have expensive tastes and are used to making do. 18 months passed and nothing happened. We both got new jobs and were getting back on top of our finances. Steve actually even liked his new job. Really, truly liked it. Then, wham - he was indicted on 3 felony counts. Then, on March 23rd, Steve lost his new job. Someone sent the March 18th L.A. Times article to his employer. He was called into HR and let go. We knew it was a possibility, but so is being struck by lightning . . . you just stay away from golf courses in the rain and try not to worry about it.

So back I go to earning the sole income for our family - but it's only a matter of time before someone jumps at the chance to hire a highly principled employee who's been fired from his last 2 jobs and has 3 felony charges hanging over his head. Now if we can only get the dog to earn his keep - wouldn't want to interrupt the flow of kibble.

You have to have a sense of humor when your world is crumbling all around you and you can't seem to stop it. Luckily, Citizen Steve makes me laugh a lot. He's the funniest man I know. He's smart - he thinks about things. He reads. He has deeply embedded principles and he believes deeply in truth, justice and the American way. Especially the truth part - never ask how you look in your new dress - he won't lie.

Honestly, this situation just plain sucks. Sometimes I feel like I've been run over by a bus, or by a steamroller - or by a well-oiled political machine.

I could have married a more successful man. I could have married a man who would never get in a fight; who'd never stick his neck out for anyone. Who'd never let what was right get in the way of what was safe or easy. Instead I married a man I continue to be proud of.

I married a man who continues to surprise me. Someone to grow with as we grow old together. The kind of man you wish there were more of in this world.

Deep down I believe it will all be fine in the end - after all, sometimes the good guy does win.

Doesn't he?

Michele Gregory is the wife of Steve Heller, California Diebold whistleblower. You can get up-to-the minute information on him and his case by visiting his website: