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Downsizer Dispatch: "What To Do"

Jim Babka President,

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a warrant -- as we see it, a violation of the Fourth Amendment.

Apparently, there wasn't sufficient pressure to stop Congress from doing the wrong thing. We missed the goal of delay or defeat of this awful proposal by one vote in the Senate.


We're going to have a lot more to say about this tomorrow. Today, we must strike back.

The new FISA bill is scheduled to sunset in six months. We must work to make sure that happens. Please tell your elected representatives you are very unhappy that Congress voted to violate the Constitution, and tell them you want this law to die when its sunset date arrives.

You can send your message here.

Second, we want to report to you that we set a new record for messages to Congress in July: 48,848. This is the second month in a row we've established a new mark for monthly pressure on Congress.

This demonstrates that we are constantly growing stronger. And we thank you for making this growth possible.

But we must not rest or relent. Its time to start working on paying the bills for August -- to keep the progress coming. This growth must continue. We must build an army so large that Congress cannot afford to ignore it. If we were bigger, perhaps we could've secured that one more vote in the Senate. If we keep pushing, perhaps we can see to it that this so-called FISA modernization sunsets.

We need your investment -- particularly if you've never given before. And we know how to say, "Thank you for your support."

If you can make a contribution or start a new monthly pledge we'll mail a "9/11: Press for Truth" DVD to your home. Here's how to get one . . .

If you're an existing monthly credit card pledger in good standing as of June 15, 2007, all you have to do is increase your monthly pledge by at least $1, and we'll send one to you.

If you're NOT an EXISTING monthly credit card pledger then you can start a monthly credit card pledge of at least $6, or make a one-time credit card donation of $35 or more, and we'll send you the DVD. (Sorry, for technical reasons we cannot make this offer for PayPal pledges or donations).

Please give now.

Thank you for being a DC Downsizer.

Jim Babka

President, Inc.

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