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Trucker's Rally - Oklahoma City on Monday, April 23, 2007

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ns to get know the facts of what is about to happen to the American trucking industry. The decision to allow Mexican trucks into the United States will affect every American citizen for years to come in terms of highway safety and ultimately, negatively impact the national security. The highest threat will be the safety of the American people who will be jeopardized by unsafe Mexican trucks on our highways, regardless of the assurances from our government that they will be worthy of passage to our country by proper inspection.

This rally is a joint partnership with the OK SAFE (Oklahomans for Sovereignty and Free Enterprise), Oklahoma Citizens for Fair and Clean Government and the Oklahoma Minuteman Civil Defense Corps.

Jay Riley, one of the organizers, said that he expects to be seeing Mexican trucks on our highways within the next few weeks. The federal government is now scrambling to ensure Mexican trucks will be properly inspected before traveling beyond the current 25 mile limit from the Mexican border. Riley said he does not believe that there will be adequate inspection of Mexican trucks, nor will drivers of these Mexican trucks comply with paperwork, limitations on driving hours, weights and other regulations designed to protect citizens on our highways against large trucks. As it is, government inspectors check less than five percent of all trucks registered in the USA.

Those interested in attending the rally are encouraged to come and bring their friends, as this and other demonstrations around the USA this week will send a strong message of opposition to this action. Attendees are encouraged to bring hand-made signs, American flags and other patriotic items to make the messages loud and clear:

Say NO to Mexican Trucks on USA Highways. Say NO to inadequate background checks on Mexican trucks and drivers. Say NO to the loss of our national sovereignty.