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March of Magnitude


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es the war can go to Washington, but a worldwide "March of Magnitude" in each person's hometown all at the same time could make a difference. I think that we, as citizens, have forgotten how powerful we truly are. It is time to think about this. It is time to stop worrying about the next "big" purchase, or paying for the "stuff" that we already have - the cars, the boats, the cottage, the trips - and put our power to work for the betterment of the world. When gas prices went up, people complained, but went about their business regardless. I don't think that I am speaking for myself when I say that those prices changed the way I live. There were no more "unnecessary" visits to my parents home, who lived 7 hours away, there were no more weekend hiking trips to locations more than 2 hours away. If everyone who was affected by that situation just stopped, and I mean literally, their work, their leisure, the gas companies would have had to listen to us. We may be the "working cows" of society, filling the pockets of our rich politicians with the money we earn, but there are far more of us than them. If we decide that enough is enough, we can change the world.

Now is not the time to cower behind our SUV's or run off to the cottage for a breather. It is time to re-evaluate our power, our ethics and the harm that is being done to this planet. Yes, things are bad, very bad, but one thing is certain and that is that we can still control the Government. They have had a free ride for far too long. All of us, every single one of us, need to take a peaceful stand for what is right! I have never been an activist, but my spiritual knowledge is growing everyday. We are strong, we are good and we know what's right. Let's make a change for the better and do it now.
