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Reply to "Where Have All The Leaders Gone?"

Danny Krause

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last few days have been beyond anything that has come before what with all the transmutation/integration coming up to be dealt with. At least We are moving past Our past, finally, and thank God.

Where have all the leaders gone You ask? It is a fair enough question, to be sure, considering the situation We now find Our Selves in. I mean, sure We've had leaders, but they have largely abandoned We the People by their own selfish greed, corruption and cowardice, as has been well documented through the last free mass media/communication tool We have at Our disposal. It is for this very reason that We are even asking where all the leaders have gone.

The truth is that We haven't gone anywhere. We have always been among We the People, living Our Life to the fullest of Our ability in a way that is in harmony with All Life. As politics has become more and more bogged down in the mire and muck of greed and corruption that politics now radiates, many of the true leaders of Our great nations and Humanity as a whole have naturally shunned politics and focused on leading in other areas, that We have discovered to be much more influential than any seat in any house or senate.

All of this fully ties in with the bigger picture of Our evolution, as has also been documented on Our beloved internet for all to remember. As Our individual and collective consciousness has grown in its ability to more efficiently and effectively affect Our environment, regardless of what We are actually doing, the true leaders of Our shared Earth have moved beyond the simple and mundane physical realms of consciousness by integrating and evolving within the mental, emotional and spiritual realms, that make up far more of Our daily experience than some People are comfortable admitting to.

Of course, the majority of such People are the very same, who have foregone the very virtues upon which such evolutionary documents, as the Declaration of Independence, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, have been established. Freedom, prosperity, honour, integrity, Truth, compassion, Peace, Joy; where are these virtues in politics? A few lights shine, where they can, even as they are 'dealt with' so as not to rock the boat too much. These People have had very difficult assignments and have done enough to make Our goal attainable.

You say to leave the anger to young People, and I say this is a very wise way to test Us to see, who has been able to move past that anger. How can We as the leaders of tomorrow ever expect to do better than what has come before Us, if We have not moved past what has come before Us? Learning by osmosis has been the greatest gift Our politicians have given Us, for it has allowed Us to see, deal with, integrate, learn from and move past all of the crap that has occurred to keep money flowing and We the People ignorant of that money flow.

The true leaders of Our times and the events that are transpiring, even as I write out this message, are those of Us, who have made it Our most sincere, humble and heart-felt choice to raise Our level of consciousness past the point of anger, past pride, even past the virtues of courage, willingness, acceptance and reason to arrive at the level of consciousness, that has already assured Us of Our victory, despite how things appear: Our new Home is the conscious vibration of Love, the Divine nectar of Life itself.

Through Our leadership with and within Love as Our guide, We have remembered how to live a style of Life, that can only contribute to the support and continuance of anything and everything that is leading Us to a grander way of Life. It is easy to look at Our world, being in the mess it is, and doubt that all of this crap has been leading Us to a grander way of Life. Conversely, it takes great Mastery to be able to find the golden lining in the dark cloud, that has made its home over Washington DC; many of Us have come to such a place of Mastery and are ready to step up from the crowd at the appropriate times.

Successful change always comes from within, as any Master will tell You so it is more than appropriate that Our story has played out as it has. The grassroots movement of many People and their affect on everyone else has proven a far superior tool in affecting the whole, compared to just sending a handful of People to storm the hill and take over the government. The efforts of a few can always be minimalized and convoluted to suit a particular agenda; the evolution of the whole that was tried to be contained has proven too much for Our corrupt politicians and those they have actually been serving over the years. We the People are stronger for what has come before Us, which is why We are so calm about how it is going to finish: We know that the subtle forces of Our reality/experience are Ours to guide now, and We are taking full action to ensure that Our story moves into the chapter that it has been destined to arrive within, ever since the creation of Our Universe.

Our leaders are here, now, seeing the perfection in every event that impacts Earth and Humanity, hearing the clarion call of Heaven to accept, let go of and transmute all the dark emotions that have wreaked so much havoc in Our lives, speaking and writing to those of Us, who are ready to hear Our truth in order to spark the remembrance of their own, Loving each and every single Human Being for contributing to Our success, Living as if We have already made it to the Golden Age of Heaven here on Earth. because We already have. There is no way to turn back what We have accomplished concerning the collective evolution of Our consciousness, and there is no way Heaven's Plan is not being fulfilled as We move forward day by day.

The removal of Our corrupt governments on a world-wide scale and those People who have been part of the corruption, has already been secured. We the People have been speaking Our Voice loud and clear for a long time now, and to many different sources of power, including all industrialized nations on Earth, many developing nations, Our star Brothers and Sisters, Heaven, and even God Himself. Our prayers have been answered, and it is time to go Home to the Love that Is Who We Truly Are because once We all remember to do this in every moment of Our Life, the appropriate action will be obvious, whether that action is inaction through biting Our angry tongue and stopping the injustices of Our past or handcuffing the criminals, who have hijacked Our world, and leading them off to answer some very tough questions.

Sometimes tough Love is the answer, as so many are about to find out the hard way. They will figure it out, as We already have. Enjoy the show.

Namaste dear Brothers and Sisters.

In Service To And As Our Highest Light, Love And Power, Thank You God For All That Is, Much Love And Blessings To You, DK