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A Personal Than You From Jose Compean

Steve Elliott

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42/offer.asp?rid=12319340 (see photo at right)

I was deeply moved by his short, little letter. Jose, a highly respected U.S. Border Patrol Agent has been betrayed by our government. He has lost his home, and virtually all of his worldly possessions...

Trying to protect us and our border!

Today is day 103 for Jose. He sits in solitary confinement, unable to see his family--a family that is struggling to cope with the tragic fact that their husband, their dad isn't coming home for 12 years.

I want to help free this man, and I'm asking EVERY member of our team who has yet to step forward to do so right now by clicking below:

++ Our best chance to Free Ramos and Compean is at hand!

The President, the Attorney General have all turned a deaf ear to grassroots pleas to free these men.

But Congress is listening. Rep. Duncan Hunter (CA-52) introduced the Congressional Pardon for Border Patrol Agents Ramos and Compean Act (H.R. 563) that currently has 96 co-sponsors.

Our contact on Capitol Hill is excited about this bill, and told us that if we can get it to the floor for a successful vote, the President would do the right thing and free Ramos and Compean.

That's why I'm asking for your help.

H.R. 563 is our best chance to free these two agents who have been wrongly imprisoned for trying to protect your and me.

Last week Grassfire launched our most aggressive initiative to date--a massive Faxfire designed to rally co-sponsors for HR 563, and motivate House leadership to bring this vital bill to a vote.

We've identified 12 key House leaders who could be the keys to getting this bill brought to the floor, and we are inundating their offices with thousands of faxes urging them to support the bill to pardon Ramos and Compean. Click here to see the list of targets, and a copy of the fax letter:

Only a massive grassroots push will free these two agents, and I truly believe this is our best chance. Can I count on you to help me win freedom for these dedicated lawmen and bring them home to their wives and children?

Schedule your faxes right now, by clicking here:

Thank you for taking quick action with Grassfire. And again, don't forget to read Jose Compean's letter to Grassfire by clicking below:

Steve Elliott, President Alliance

P.S: After scheduling your FaxFire faxes forward this message to your friends urging them to take action as well!

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+ + + + + Alliance is a non-profit 501(c)4 issues advocacy organization dedicated to equipping our 1.5 million-strong network of grassroots conservatives with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Gifts to are not tax deductible.

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