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Constitution Party of Oregon Calls on Congress to Repeal The Iraqi War Resolution

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orderly withdrawal of the United States Armed Forces from Iraq.

The U.S. Constitution grants Congress the exclusive power to wage war.

President Bush seems to feel otherwise, and is moving rapidly to consolidate his control over our military.

He told CBS 60 Minutes regarding his planned troop escalation, "I fully understand they could try to stop me from doing it. But I've made my decision. And we're going forward.”

The President’s bold attempt to usurp congressional war-making power was defended by Vice President Cheney, who said, “The president is the commander in chief. He's the one who has to make these tough decisions," adding that any planned congressional votes were non-binding and, “would not affect Bush's ability to carry out his policies.”

David Brownlow, Constitution Party of Oregon Vice Chairman, said, “This attempted power grab by the President poses a far greater threat to our freedom than that posed by any of the world’s (other) despots. It is time for Congress to reign in this rogue administration.“

Brownlow continued, “Every American should take a moment to read the original congressional abdication of power called the ‘Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002’. It is deeply troubling that those we have entrusted to lead us could show such a callous disregard for the rule of law and the separation of powers that they swore to uphold. They broke it -- now they need to fix it! The immediate enactment of H.R. 413 is an essential step in restoring congressional control over our military.”

Unlike the 2002 resolution that launched what could be the greatest strategic disaster in our nation’s history, the repeal is concise and to the point.

In just two paragraphs, H.R. 413 repeals President Bush’s military usurpation of 2002, and calls for the orderly withdrawal of our troops from Iraq.

The Constitution Party of Oregon encourages all Constitution-loving, American citizens to contact their U.S. Representatives and U.S. Senators immediately and ask them to restore the balance of power in Washington by passing H.R. 413.
