Thousands March in Washington to Pray and Show Support for Trump
Zachary Stieber
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Thousands of people packed the National Mall in downtown Washington on Saturday to pray and show their support for President Donald Trump.
The march, which stretched from the Lincoln Memorial to the U.S. Capitol, was held just hours before Trump announced the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court.
Few in the crowd wore masks. Some sported red caps with the words “Let’s Make America Godly Again,” a play on Trump’s signature MAGA, or “Make America Great Again,” caps.
Vice President Mike Pence, speaking from the steps of the memorial, said he came to extend Trump’s “greetings and gratitude” and asked them to pray for the new Supreme Court nominee.
“Abraham Lincoln, before whose monument we stand today, said during his time in the White House, I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go. And President Donald Trump has observed many times that America is a nation of believers,” Pence said. “So on the president’s behalf, I want to say thank you for your prayers.”
“When the president and I travel around the country, the sweetest words we ever hear—and we hear them a lot—is when people reach out and simply say, ‘I’m praying for you,'” he added. “And so we want to urge you on. Pray for all of those with public responsibilities in the executive branch. Pray for all of the members of the Congress of the United States. Pray for all of our justices on the Supreme Court, including the remarkable woman that the president will nominate to fill the seat.”
Followers of Franklin Graham march from the Lincoln Memorial to Capitol Hill, during the Prayer March at the National Mall, in Washington on Sept. 26, 2020. (Jose Luis Magana/AP Photo)
People pray at the base of the Washington Monument as they march from the Lincoln Memorial to Capitol Hill, during the Prayer March at the National Mall, in Washington on Sept. 26, 2020. (Jose Luis Magana/AP Photo)
Marchers gather at the National Mall for Prayer March, in Washington on Sept. 26, 2020. (Michael A. McCoy/Getty Images)
Pence also noted that he has a son serving in the U.S. Marines and asked for prayer for members of the military as well as law enforcement officers.
Attendees told Breitbart News that they traveled to Washington from other states, including Florida and Ohio, to participate in the march.
“It’s great for the country. We’re at a point in the country where division is ripping apart the nation, and we feel it’s time for God to help bring the nation together,” one said.
Many in the crowd appeared to be students of Liberty University in Virginia.
The march was organized by the Rev. Franklin Graham, a prominent conservative evangelical and Trump supporter.
Graham said people prayed for people who work at the U.S. Capitol, for religious freedom in America and abroad, and “for racial reconciliation in our country, and for healing of the divisiveness we’re experiencing,” among other topics.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.