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Will you stand with Judge Kavanaugh today?

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Tuesday noon CT:


This past weekend, Grassfire told you about the razor-thin Republican to Democrat split in the United States Senate. According to the office of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), confirmation votes of 50 to 49 are "something you can expect to continue." That means the GOP can't afford to lose even one Senator in the fight to seat Judge Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. If we do, his nomination WILL fail.

So, Grassfire has targeted two Republican Senators who can derail Kavanaugh as President Trump's Supreme Court nominee. We want to send 10,000 petitions to key Republican Senators on Capitol Hill THIS WEEK, including Susan Collins (ME) and Lisa Murkowski (AK) -- two RINOs who might vote against Kavanaugh's confirmation.

As of right now, we have slightly less than 6,500 signed petitions demanding that the Senate "CONFIRM KAVANAUGH NOW." We can't show our faces in Washington, D.C. with less than 10,000 signatures, which means another 3,500+ grassroots patriots are urgently needed to launch this urgent petition delivery on behalf of the eminently qualified jurist, Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

Please take a moment right now to sign the CONFIRM KAVANAUGH NOW petition by going here:

So far, neither Sen. Collins nor Sen. Murkowski will commit on how they might vote. But Alaska's senior senator is pointing to abortion rights and gun control as her key litmus tests. Let's deliver a strong message to these two swing Senators THIS WEEK! To do that, we need more than 3,500 liberty-loving Americans to add their names to the "CONFIRM KAVANAUGH NOW" national petition. Go here to sign now!

For liberty and limited government,

The Grassfire Team

P.S. Justice Neil Gorsuch was President Trump's first big "win" for the Supreme Court. You can take action to make sure Judge Brett Kavanaugh is his second. Call for him to be confirmed and seated on the bench as soon as possible! Please click here or on the banner below to sign the "CONFIRM KAVANAUGH NOW" petition now:


Bio on Kavanaugh

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