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Breaking News! Ballistics don't Match ! -- Agent Families Need Your Help!

From: Steve Elliott

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++ Monica Ramos Exclusive Audio Interview

Last Friday, I had the great pleasure of interviewing Monica Ramos, the wife of imprisoned border agent Ignacio Ramos.

This is a Grassfire Exclusive, and I am urging ALL members of the team to listen by clicking here:

After listening to this compelling interview, please forward this important message to as many friends and family as you can. Urge them to read the report, listen to the interview and add their name to our "Pardon the Border Agents" petition by clicking here:

We cannot let the Ramos and Compean family down. This is a story that must not die, and we are relying completely on our team to carry their message to every corner of our nation.

We are making an impact, and things are happening, but we need to keep the pressure on high!

Thank you, for standing with Grassfire on behalf of Agents Ramos and Compean.

Steve Elliott President Alliance

+ + launches next Monday!

America's online grassroots community is getting ready to ignite! Get ready to join the discussion at -- where you can chat, debate, and start your own citizen grassfires! For a sneak preview:


Agent Families Need Your Help!

From; Steve Eillijott -

The families of Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean--the two border agents now serving lengthy prison terms for doing their jobs, are reeling from deep emotional and financial burdens. As the President of Grassfire, I am urging ALL members of our team to join with me in helping to bring some relief to these two families by clicking here:

Just days ago, I had the pleasure of speaking with Monica Ramos about her husband's situation, and I was so impressed by her. Despite incredible strain, she never complained. Instead, she expressed thankfulness to Grassfire and others who are working to free her husband.

She spoke of staying strong for her children who are struggling to grasp what has happened to their fathers. Patrick H., it broke my heart when she told me about her young son who wanted to send his special nighttime pillow to his daddy to comfort him while he's in prison.

Tragically, this is reality for the Ramos and Compean families... it is not some terrible, nightmarish dream!

That is why I am asking every member of our team to consider making a special financial contribution to the families through Grassfire. Click here if you can help:

Unless we have walked a mile in their shoes, we cannot pretend to understand the incredible burden that is weighing these families down. And while we continue to diligently work to raise awareness and free these two dedicated family men who took an oath to protect us at the border, I'm hopeful that many of you will join with me in doing what we can to ease the financial weight that is upon them.

Thank you in advance for stepping forward to help the Ramos and Compean families.

Steve Elliott President Alliance

P.S: Grassfire will disperse the money collected equally between the two families. We will be sending the money DIRECTLY to Mrs. Ramos and Mrs. Compean. Please send your gift today, and forward this urgent message for help to your friends and family.

Encourage them to do what they can by clicking here:

Thank you again, for your great support!

+ + launches next Monday!

America's online grassroots community is getting ready to ignite! Get ready to join the discussion at -- where you can chat, debate, and start your own citizen grassfires! For a sneak preview:

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+ + + + + Alliance is a non-profit 501(c)4 issues advocacy organization dedicated to equipping our 1.5 million-strong network of grassroots conservatives with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Gifts to are not tax deductible.

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