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Message From Dr. Boylan on 'John Lennon'

Dr. Boylan

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ia 95619, USA

DrRichBoylanReports -subscribe@ yahoogroups. com


John-Sure, love, I have lots to say to them. Will they listen?

June-I'm sure they will!

John-They have to understand that time is short. Very short. They have to stop being concerned about their comfort zone. Nows the time to get up, get out there and start telling others what they know. There's no more time to play it safe anymore, you know? The unawares have to be told their government is dangerous, and before this administration would lose its power and control, they would rather destroy everything. People need to march on their City Halls, their Governors halls, your White House and Capital. But these marches, these protests must be peaceful. You've had a major shift in party power and thats good. These people are gonna move things back into the right direction. This will happen much sooner if more people march and protest. It's called power to the people. Take back your power.You've given it away! Now take it back before it's too late. Your war in Iraq has to end, or your president will take his war to Iran and the rest of the Middle East. If this happens then it's over, love. But people need to know that the brother/sisterhood of all peoples is closer than they think.

There are many on this side who are willing to help in any way that they can. But we need people who can "hear us," so that our messages get out to the masses. Those who are reading my words, if you are willing to help us get these messages out all you have to do is ask.We need your help, your ears, your time. It's your future we are trying to save, you know. But you have to get active. Now is the time for action, but not violent action. The main concerns right now are stop the war, save your environment, start impeachment at the grassroots level. When the people move, the politicians follow. They will have no choice. Speak about your star brothers and sisters. People want to know this. And tell them about your governments plans to put weapons in space, and tell them that these weapons will be put there to fight your star brothers and sisters. Tell your people that your star brothers and sisters are highly evolved beings! who mea n no harm to anyone on earth. Brothers and sisters, time is short and you need to move now! Get active, but do it in the way that works for you. Do it peacefully, but start doing something. Your world is ready for peace, so give it a chance. There is nothing that can be imagined that can't be made real. That is a truth. We are waiting for you in the fifth world.

John came through with a much blunter message on Jan. 23. And going by what I was sensing from him, we really don't have much time left. I could feel his frustration. I'm still debating about posting this one, but if you want to hear it I will post it.

Big hugs to all here -
