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Who's going to stand up to the anti-Russia hysteria?

Just Foreign Policy

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Dlec. 23, 2016

If you're like us, you may be receiving a gazillion different emails these days demanding that you fork over some cash to organization X to "resist Trump" or "stand up to Trump." 

This is not one of those emails. Just Foreign Policy is a non-partisan organization. We focus on issues, not personalities

Here's what you're probably not receiving from any DC-focused organization besides Just Foreign Policy right now: anything in support of any effort to de-escalate tensions with Russia on any front. 

Yesterday, we sent you an alert about stopping a new arms race in space with Russia and China. Did you get such an alert from any "arms control" organization? You probably didn't. Why not? Because the people who were supposedly watching "arms control" got too preoccupied with chasing after Trump's tweets to pay attention to what was happening in Congress.   

Although Just Foreign Policy is DC-focused, we don't move with the packs of DC-based NGOs that tend to follow one party or the other. We work with those organizations, but if we think they're prioritizing partisan agendas over issues, we go our own way and try to lead in a different direction. That's part of "jumping off cliffs all the time and building our wings on the way down." 

Could you ante up fifteen to support our work? You can donate here.


And if you haven't yet signed our petition to Congress and Obama against a starting a new arms race in space, you can do that here.

Thanks for all you do to help make U.S. foreign policy more just,

Robert Naiman, Avram Reisman, and Sarah Burns

Just Foreign Policy