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Sept. 10, 2016

A federal judge has just ruled against the Standing Rock Tribe’s injunction against the Dakota Access oil pipeline in North Dakota, which means construction on the climate-killing pipeline could begin again immediately.

Fortunately, the Obama administration—the Army Corps of Engineers, Department of Justice, and Department of the Interior— announced in response that "construction of the pipeline on Army Corps land bordering or under Lake Oahe will not go forward at this time." 

This is very encouraging news, but the Standing Rock Sioux's ancestral lands are far from safe. President Obama has the power to fully revoke the permits for the pipeline, and needs to do so.
The Dakota Access pipeline was permitted without the required consultation of the tribes whose land it impacts.
It would carry explosive, dangerous fracked oil from North Dakota to Illinois. Along the way, it would cross under the Missouri River—upstream of more than 8 million people who rely on that water to survive—and it would destroy burial grounds and sacred sites.
That’s why thousands of peaceful activists from more than 100 tribal nations have gathered at the Sacred Stones and Red Warrior Camps in North Dakota to defend their sacred land and water.
Defend the Sacred
Their peaceful camps have flourished into a beautiful and courageous resistance—even in the face of corporate and state violence.
If you can believe it: 152 years to the day after US Army soldiers massacred more than 300 peaceful Dakota Sioux tribe members, oil-company security guards pepper-sprayed and set attack dogs on peaceful Dakota Sioux pipeline resistors—while bulldozers rolled over historic graves and cultural sites. And yesterday morning, the Governor of North Dakota called in the National Guard. 

Stand in with the peaceful Standing Rock Tribe land protectors. Tell President Obama to revoke the unlawful permits by joining a solidarity event this Tuesday!

All across the country, people are already responding to the tribes’ call for solidarity. Farmers in Iowa are putting their bodies on the line to protest the abuse of eminent domain seizures for the pipeline.  Some of our elected climate hawks are joining the opposition: Sen. Bernie Sanders has introduced a Senate amendment to halt the pipeline. Representatives Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii and Mike Honda of California oppose the pipeline.   

And now, communities in every state are holding rallies, vigils, and protests with one message: No Dakota Access Pipeline. #NoDAPL.

The Sacred Stone and Red Warrior camps have declared that they will stay put and stand strong until the pipeline is stopped.
Your fellow climate hawk,

Brad Johnson


PS— Can’t make it to the event near you? There are many other ways you can support right now: Contribute to the camp, the legal defense, or send supplies.
Judge Denied Native American Tribe's Request to Temporarily Stop Construction on Dakota Access Pipeline

Joint Statement from the Department of Justice, the Department of the Army and the Department of the Interior Regarding Standing Rock Sioux Tribe v. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Dakota Access Pipeline Company Attacks Native American Protesters with Dogs and Pepper Spray, Democracy Now! (warning: graphic content).

North Dakota Governor Calls in National Guard Ahead of Pipeline Ruling, Reuters

30 arrested in bid to disrupt Iowa pipeline project, The Des Moines Register

Sanders offers amendment to require environmental statement for DAPL, The Bismarck Tribune

President Obama Unprepared for Question on Dakota Access Pipeline's Violation of Indigenous Rights, Hill Heat

Members of NM Delegation Say Escalation of Violence Against Native Protestors in ND 'Deplorable'

Hawaii Democrat Tulsi Gabbard Joins Opposition to Dakota Access Pipeline, Hill Heat

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