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EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN To Stop Obama's End-Of-Term Agenda

Liberty Counsel Actioj

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June 19, 2016

Liberty Counsel Action

Barack Obama is executing a carefully thought out scheme to fundamentally transform our nation in the final months of his presidency.

And he is getting away with it.Agend

From imposing a bizarre transgender edict on public schools to his radical global warming agenda to unprecedented assaults on our religious liberties, Obama is unilaterally taking action to impose the most radical aspects of his agenda right now.  And unless we sound the alarm, he will succeed!

+ + My "Emergency Action Plan" to stop this madness.

This is a crisis! Who would have ever imagined that a president would -- all on his own -- impose a transgender mandate on millions of schoolchildren as young as five or six years of age?

That's why I am dedicating the resources of Liberty Counsel Action -- a leading voice for life and liberty on Capitol Hill -- to EXPOSING and DEFEATING Obama's end run on our liberties.


Beginning today, Liberty Counsel Action is launching our EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN To Stop Obama's End-Of Term Agenda.  This major, nationwide initiative is designed to bring the influence of hundreds of thousands of patriotic Americans to this debate.  Combined with specific legislative strategies spearheaded by our office on Capitol Hill, we will EXPOSE and DEFEAT Obama's end-of-term agenda!

+ + First vital step...

The first step in our EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN involves YOU.

I'm asking you to stand with me right now as part of our STOP OBAMA TEAM.  I want to rally at least 50,000 citizens THIS MONTH to join our STOP OBAMA team and demand Congress block Obama's radical end-of-term agenda.


Click here or on the image below to AUTOMATICALLY BE INCLUDED as part of my STOP OBAMA'S END-OF-TERM AGENDA team:
Stop Obama

(Important Note: As soon as you click, your name will be included.  To read the full statement, go here or see the end of this message.)

+ + Exactly what he promised

Very specifically, this is what Barack Obama promised he would do. Just a few months ago, Obama said he had "unfinished business" and would "leave it all on the field" in 2016.  And he is doing just that! I cannot recall another president moving so quickly and decisively to impose his agenda near the end of a term.

Again, I never imagined that my lawyers would be fighting in more than 22 states to protect women and children in public restrooms.  Not one pundit predicted that Obama would, by fiat, impose a transgender edict on our public schools. He is systematically weakening America and our ally Israel on the world stage. And he is forcing radical Islam on our nation through unconstitutional immigration actions that bypass Congress.

That's why we are launching our EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN.  And that's why I have directed our Liberty Counsel Action office on Capitol Hill to dedicate all necessary resources to EXPOSING and DEFEATING Obama's end-of-term agenda.

But it all starts with you.  We must have a grassroots team driving this effort to stop Obama's radical end-of-term agenda!

Go here to automatically be included in our "Stop Obama Team."

Thank you and may God bless you,


Mat Staver, Chairman

Liberty Counsel Action


I am joining the STOP OBAMA TEAM to expose and defeat President Obama's radical end-of-term agenda.  I call on Congress to take every necessary action to BLOCK and DEFUND Obama's executive actions and orders that unilaterally impose his radical agenda.


Stop Obama


+ + Comments? Questions? />

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