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Italy: "Refugees" Block Traffic to Protest Against "Overcooked Rice"

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This is absolutely outrageous!

How dare they!

How dare the Italian authorities overcook these poor people's rice!

For shame!

Via il Centro as translated and shared by Diversity Macht Frei:

TORINO DI SANGRO. It has happened again. Another immigrant protest in Torino di Sangro.

...The group of inhabitants brought containers, metal netting, sticks and tyres onto the highway slightly before the bridge over the Sangro river and improvised a sit-in protest against the "overcooked rice" blocking traffic on the road around 12 and for three quarters of an hour.

...The incident provoked disputes and protests from the residents. Also because it is not the first time the immigrants have occupied the road. They already did it a year ago a short distance from the Hotel Lecceta. "An annoyance that unfortunately we have to put up with otherwise we are accused of racism," some citizens protested.

They should be thanking them for bringing such injustice to light!