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URGENT: Activists Taking Aim At The Supreme Court

Liberty Counsel Acton

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April 13, 2016

Dear Concerned Citizen,

Radical group is hosting a "Do Your Job" rally in front of the U.S. Supreme Court today, demanding the GOP-controlled Senate holds hearings and gives an up-or-down vote for Barack Obama's Supreme Court nominee, Judge Merrick Garland.

According to's website, tomorrow's protest is a culmination of hundreds of public protests across the nation — each targeting vulnerable Republican Senators up for re-election in 2016.  Also present will be the Congressional Progressive Caucus that boasts such members as presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders, and Reps. John Conyers, Charles Rangel, and Maxine Waters.

As I have said before, liberal activists know that control of the Supreme Court would give them unfettered opportunity to radically reshape our nation, and they are doubling down on efforts to get GOP Senators to crack under increasing pressure.

If they succeed, we could easily lose our nation's constitutional pillars!  So far, it appears Senate Republicans are resisting the pressure, but we need to encourage them to continue!

+ + Countering Radical Efforts To Seize The Court and Reshape Our Nation.


        I'm asking for your immediate help...

To effectively counter the destructive force of MoveOnorg and others who have your religious liberties in their crosshairs, I must raise $15,000 by the end of the week — resources that can be used to engage additional conservative patriots while keeping our other frontline activities moving forward.

Can I count on your help today?  Go here now to help Liberty Counsel Action push back against the aggressive efforts of MoveOnorg and others seeking to reshape our nation.

   That's why I'm taking this challenge directly to you once again... 

   Congressional Republicans have a history of talking tough in public but surrendering the moment the pressure becomes intense.  That time is now,        and we cannot allow history to repeat itself!

   Go here now to make a positive impact on our efforts.


Thank you for your outstanding support on this critical, all-important issue!
God bless you,


Mathew Staver, Chairman

Liberty Counsel Action

P.S.  Just 12,000 petitions shy of our 100,000 petition delivery goal, we're also asking key members of our team to send this message to your friends and family, urging them to go here to sign our "Stop President Obama's SCOTUS Nominees" petition encouraging Senate Republicans to stand firm — refusing to consider any Supreme Court nominee until after the 2016 election.

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"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."     --Thomas Jefferson, 3rd president of US