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Tim Brown

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April 9, 2016

Political Prisoner Cliven Bundy's wife had a few choice words for Senator Harry Reid (D-NV), and she took the time to put a short video together to air her thoughts out to him after Reid said, "And the reason we haven't been able to do anything to this point is … the Bundy boys and his pals. Because of the fact that the Bundys are in jail, I'm going to reach out to the White House … We'll see if President Obama will protect this area. He has the authority, as any president does, to stop this sort of destruction and stop it now."

Carol Bundy's husband, Cliven, along with her four sons are in prison now because they took a stand against a corrupt and criminal DC government and its strong arm gestapo, the Bureau of Land Management and Federal Bureau of Investigation.

In an emotional video, Mrs. Bundy not only mentioned her family members who were in prison, but also made mention of LaVoy Finicum, the man who was murdered in cold blood by the Oregon State Police with the aid of the FBI.

"I have a best friend, whose husband was shot," she said. "And Harry Reid put out a YouTube today talking about saving our land for future generations."

She then inserted in her video some of the beauty of the land that she and her family live on and have ranched for generations.

Though she shows us the beauty of the land she occupies, she asks, "What more could a rancher's wife ask for other than to have her family and her friends home where they need to be with their families?"

Mrs. Bundy then pointed out that Harry Reid recently had a picture of a Joshua tree falling down due to abuse. However, Bundy rightly says that is a part of life, just like animals and humans die, so do plants.

She then gave him a piece of her mind.

"Harry Reid, you are elected to go back to Washington, and what you're doing to my family and to the State of Nevada is absolutely horrible," she declared. "And I am, for one, very angry today. I'm angry at Harry Reid for thinking that because my men are in jail, it's ok to come now and take the land; the land that belongs to the State of Nevada; the land that my family has farmed and ranched on for generations, that we make our living off of because we have private property rights on this land."

"I'm not trying to take it away from anybody," Bundy said regarding the land that her family has dwelt on for generations. "I'm not trying to take it away from the American people. I'm not trying to take it away from the State of Nevada, but Harry Reid, you sure as hell are!"

She then gave an open invitation to Harry Reid to come visit her at her ranch and "look her square in the eye" and tell her that she and her family are "domestic terrorists." She also encouraged him to come to the ranch and demonstrate where her family has engaged in any abuse of the land.

Of course, Reid won't do that because he is a coward.

The video ends with many pictures of the land surrounding Bundy Ranch, along with contract information of representatives, both local, state and federal that need to be contacted on behalf of those who are "political prisoners" in the prisons of the real domestic terrorists.

Please take time to visit the Bundy Ranch blog, where you can contribute to help support these men who have taken a stand for liberty against tyranny. Don't forget to also support people like Pete Santilli, who also stood alongside these men and fearlessly reported live on location both in Nevada and Oregon.