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The Secret Plan to Pass the TPP

Campaign for America's Future

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March 23 2016The more Americans hear about the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the more disgusted they become. In an election year, that matters. 

Republicans know that jamming this terrible deal through Congress will hurt their chances in November. That’s why they’re planning to sneak it through in the lame-duck session after the election is over. 

Mitch McConnell knows that he could lose the Senate if his majority goes on the record.  Not only will the TPP ship jobs overseas, but allows polluters challenge environment and safety laws in corporate tribunals where the outcome is all but predetermined.

That’s why we have to turn up the heat now. Campaign for America’s Future will get legislators on the record so voters can make their voice heard. We need to raise public awareness of the sweetheart deals and carve-outs that will send jobs overseas and raise drug prices.









We need your help to keep this campaign going in the press, online and in Congress. Can you step up and donate $5 or more to stop the Trans-Pacific Partnership before it’s too late?

Help Fight the TPP
The Campaign for America’s Future/Institute For America's Future is the strategy center for the progressive movement. Our goal is to forge the enduring progressive majority needed to realize the America of shared prosperity and equal opportunity that our country was meant to be.
We're proud to stand with members of Congress like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.
We've seen Ted Cruz's type before. He's dangerous and needs to be answered.

The Education Opportunity Network is a research and advocacy group demanding quality education for all.
The Progressive Breakfast is the most widely read morning tip-sheet with insider news and information.
Campaign for America's Future created the Populist Majority project to show lawmakers and the media that populist messages win.
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The Campaign for America’s Future is driving our progressive movement and offering the new vision, bright ideas and bold leadership Americans rightly demand.