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Message from Arden Bundy 3/4/16 - Youngest Child of Cliven Bundy

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March 4, 2016

Arden Bundy, youngest child of Cliven Bundy, just about to turn 18, talks about his dad and four brothers who are all in jail, and lays out what everybody has to do to stop the abuse of the American people by their out-of-control government.

In other news, Jerry DeLemus, Tea Party activist, candidate for Strafford County sheriff, and one of the leaders of the Trump campaign in New Hampshire, was one of those arrested Thursday in connection with the 2014 Bundy standoff.

Feds arrest 12 more for Bundy standoff bringing total to 19:

It will be interesting to see what Donald Trump will do now that one of his campaign officials has been indicted by federal officials for trying to oppose the totalitarian tactics of the federal government.

A recent quote by Ron Paul furnished by Patricia Aiken after her SacredCowBBQ show Thursday night seems appropriate to these ominous current events.

"It is ironic that the proliferation of guns in the hands of the bureaucrats is pushed by the antigun fanatics who hate the Second Amendment and would disarm every law-abiding American citizen," the Texas Congressman continued. "Yes, we need gun control. We need to disarm our bureaucrats, then abolish the agencies. If government bureaucrats like guns that much, let them seek work with the NRA."

Paul then warned, "Force and intimidation are the tools of tyrants. Intimidation with government guns, the threat of imprisonment, and the fear of harassment by government agents puts fear into the hearts of millions of Americans."

The end of the freedom we have known creeps closer every day.

Best wishes,

John K.A