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Jake Morphonics

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Feb. 12, 2016

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Regardless of your personal opinion of David Fry, we can all relate to him. He was fed up with an out of control federal government that is abusing the citizens of our nation. And he took a stand. His act of civil disobedience sent a message to everyone that the time has come to resist government tyranny. Today, David was the last remaining person to leave the Malheur Wildlife Refuge. Help me share this article and the accompanying video so that his efforts, and those of Ammon, LaVoy and the many other courageous patriots are not in vain.


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David Fry - An American Patriot

By Jake Morphonios

February 11, 2016

Several weeks ago, I first heard the name "David Fry". I had been doing some research on Ammon Bundy and the Citizens for Constitutional Freedom. When I learned that the 27 year old from Ohio had traveled out to join others at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge in Oregon, I was intrigued. I asked myself the same question that is now on the minds of many other Americans:

"Who is this fearless millennial kid who is taking on the federal government - fighting to end the corruption?"

David is half American and half Japanese. On his paternal grandmother's side, his roots reach all the way back to the American Revolution. Major John Cessna served at Valley Forge with General George Washington. Major Cessna's daughter, Rachel, married Thomas Heming - another Patriot to have served with General Washington. Thomas and Rachel named their son Richard George Washington Heming. And a heritage of patriotic service to America is also found on David's paternal grandfather's side. United States Marine Corps Sergeant Isaac N. Fry, who fought in the Civil War and received a Medal of Honor, is also purported to be one of David's ancestors.

His maternal mother’s side of the family were Samurai in the area of Hofu City in Yamaguchi prefecture Japan. Bush Sadamitsu was the last of the Samurai in his mother’s family lineage once the Samurai class was eliminated during the Meiji restoration period.

One of David's great uncles, Robert Leo Heming - a United States Marine PFC , was killed in WWII at Saipan on July 24th, 1944. David is surrounded by noble men who have done their duty to the United States of America, including his grandfather - a Retired Marine Major, his uncle - a retired Marine Gunnery Sergeant, his father - a retired Marine gunnery sergeant, and his brother - a Marine Staff Sergeant presently serving on active duty following his recent return from duty in Iraq.

David’s bloodline includes a long line of patriots and warriors; standing for freedom is in his DNA. This heritage leaves him little choice but to fight for what is right. His name was chosen by his father as both a biblical and American heroic namesake.

While David of the Bible fought the dreaded Goliath, David Fry fights against a Goliath of his own - the federal government. Fortunately, David's presence at the Wildlife Refuge did not end as Davy Crockett's did at the Alamo. Instead, David was able to walk out bravely, with his head held high, knowing that he was the last man standing against the federal government at the Refuge. As David prepared himself to depart and fearlessly submit himself to federal agents, he wondered aloud why more Americans, who see the great problems facing our country, are not taking a principled stand against tyranny. With the grip of the federal government continuing to tighten around the throats of American citizens, I can't help but echo David's query:

America, where are you? And when are you going to take a stand?