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Jennifer Burke

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Feb. 8, 2016

Over the weekend, friends and family of Robert ‘Lavoy’ Finicum laid his body to rest. Finicum, who was one of those protesting against the federal takeover of land in western states in Burns, Oregon, was shot and killed by authorities. Witnesses to the shooting recount that Finicum was unarmed and had his hands up when he was shot on January 26.

There has been no public outcry for justice for Lavoy from the leftstream media. At the press conference regarding his death, the authorities did not even take questions. They stated that Finicum “had to be taken down.” Following the press conference, those in the room actually applauded. But one man is not standing by silently and is now on his way to Burns and Portland to continue the demonstration.

Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, who himself was at the center of a Bureau of Land Management (BLM) overreach is traveling to Oregon along with Nevada state assemblywoman Michele Fiore and lawmakers from other western states.

The group will be going to Portland to protest the incarceration of Cliven’s sons, Ammon and Ryan Bundy. Ryan was shot in the arm during the ambush by authorities. In speaking about the trip, Fiore expressed support for her constituent, Ryan Bundy.

“There is a Nevadan [Ryan Bundy] sitting in jail, and as an office holder, I will be there to demand his release. If that Nevadan can’t leave Oregon, we will bring Nevada to him. Peaceful, of course.”  

The PolitiStick reported about the protest by the group in late January. Ammon Bundy was largely seen as a leader of the group in their protest against the federal government overtaking so much land in Western states. The federal government unconstitutionally claims ownership of 85% of the land in Nevada and 53% in Oregon.