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Arnold Law Lissa Casey Ammon Bundy Statement 2 4 16

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Feb. 4, 2016


Published on Feb 4, 2016

Attorney Lissa Casey of Arnold Law provides updates on the indictment of Ammon Bundy as well as the addition of other names to the indictment. She plays a statement from Ammon Bundy recorded over a phone call. Attorney Lissa Casey and Attorney Mike Arnold are representing Ammon Bundy.




"This is Ammon Bundy, I am currently in jail, solitary confinement, and I’ve learned that I have just been indicted. I ask the question what are people to do? This is what you get when government officials ignore the people. We exhausted all prudent measures to get government officials to investigate the abuses to the Hammond family. Tens of thousands of people understood injustices were taking place by government officials, and their petitions were ignored. The results of government officials ignoring the people, are acts like the takeover of the Malheur Refuge. Taking over the refuge was not only right, it was the duty of the people to do. When government officials are acting in contrary to the people, they must not get away with it. The takeover of the Malheur Refuge was a needed action to show government officials that the people will not be complacent when they prosecute and bully good families like the Hammonds. Government officials chose to end our educational efforts with attacks of force, and it appears they intend to do it again. Go home Oregon State Police, you have already killed enough. Go home FBI, it is time to end this.

Thank you,


Ammon Bundy"