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Statement on LaVoy Finicum's Death

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Jan. 28, 2016

What BS from FOX, CNN and other corporate, Council on Foreign Relations, and CIA infested news agencies according to the Church Committee.
Have you, friend, fallen for the anti-government description given to Patriots and not ANTI-BAD government as they should be describing Patriots?? 
This Oregon situation reminds me when I talked one on one with Randy Weaver for a long time. We are both Vietnam Vets and have,(had) sons about the same age. Why do we only get the controlled, redacted government released story?  Why can't the media EVER tell the WHOLE TRUTH about the Ruby Ridge killings or other government activities ??????
 Your hated government  according to the lastest polls.  A government that kills it's citizens with Agent Orange, depleted uranium, spills toxic water into rivers and water supplies, lies about WMDs, looses 2 TRILLION dollars according to Rumsfelt, ships automatic weapons to the Mexicans, (Operation Fast and Furious), and by way of the CIA ships in TONS of drugs to the US, spies without warrants, changed your status from citizen to Potential Domestic Terrorist, (Patriot Act),
 Took your grandparents gold and gave them paper money, Took every RIGHT (common law) and made it a PRIVILEDGE (statue law), forces you to take big pharmas shots in exchange for campaiagn donations BOTH political parties received,
passes "laws" that violate the Constitution from the Federal Reserve Act to 2nd Amendment infringements, Should I, or need I go on except to say that what we call the government today is CORRUPT, CRIMINAL, TRAITOROUS, and TYRANNICAL. THEY are anti-government, anti-Constitution, anti LIBERTY, anti free enterprise, anti-American, and because WE dispise these politicians and their policies we are called anti government???
You sorry propagandist. Those that hate BAD government are NOT anti-government no more than George Washington or Tom Jefferson or ANY of the Founding Fathers that actually wrote about fearing BAD government.
Ps  you recieved this E-mail because you aked to be on our list or someone cared enough about you and our GREAT COUNTRY that they aked you get this. 1200 names and GROWING!!!!!!!!
 On Thursday, January 28, 2016 11:46 AM, "" <> wrote:

From Coalition of Western States - COWS:


We at Coalition of Western States are deeply saddened by the death of

LaVoy Finicum, a dear American Patriot. LaVoy was a friend, husband,

father, and grandfather that will be missed by many. As LaVoy’s last

video communication proves, he loved America, he loved his people, and

he loved the land that God has given us to steward over. Most of all,

LaVoy loved his family which is why he stood in peaceful protest to

defend Liberty, our Constitution, and our land. Please pray for his family.

It has come to our attention, through eye-witness accounts of the event,

that unnecessary force may have been used by government agents resulting

in LaVoy’s death, as well as injuries to at least two other individuals.

We promise to gather all the facts available and vow to investigate any

wrong doings to the fullest of our ability. Coalition of Western States

will use every available resource to bring justice and expose any

wrongdoing and unnecessary use of force committed under the color of

government authority.

We mourn with the LaVoy family and all Americans for our loss. We

encourage all who are upset by this loss to channel that emotion into

constructive and peaceful protests and education to the defense of our

Liberty and our Constitution. We at Coalition of Western States promise

to never abandon our resolve to secure The Blessings of Liberty to

ourselves and our Posterity. We promise to honor our oaths; to uphold

and enforce the Constitution of the United States. We promise to never

quit until Life, Liberty, and Property are returned to the People as the

Constitution demands, and having done all, to stand.

Please do me a favor and share this statement. It will help us

‪#‎TakeBackTheNarrative‬ and make sure that the media cannot spin this

to favor the government without our efforts to ‪#‎SpeakTruth‬ in opposition.

‪#‎LibertyFirst‬ ‪#‎LibertyMatters‬


----- Original Message -----
From:  PN
Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2016 2:55 PM