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Update-Message from Akmmon Bundy' Wife

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Jan. 27, 2016

Update-Message from Ammon Bundy’s Wife

Posted on January 27, 2016 by lozzafun

~@ Please realize that I am able to post ONLY available information… Let it be just that, information that I have located in ‘hope’ it will lead to some ‘portion of truth’…

It would be nice to know the EXACT truth about what has transpired in Oregon, it is NOT likely to happen… In order to have exact truth, we would need documentations from all authorities involved in this event… All that info is about to be shredded and buried -GUARANTEED… As always, we are left to decipher truth by the surrounding evidence and personal discernment… The Fed has a whole town on lock down… No phones not internet… It may be true that CB radio is the only communication in and out of Burns…

The BIG question is ‘what else are they capable of’?… They are controlling information and more… We have no guarantee that ‘what we are seeing is real’…

9:57 pm EST

I don’t know who the man is who appeared to the media claiming to be Ammon’s attorney and delivering a message that Ammon wants the militia to stand down, BUT the official Bundy Ranch page said this past hour that Ammon would not have put out that message to stand down. Here is the Bundy Ranch message:

“ALERT! From Ammon’s wife, Lisa: Ammon would not have called for the patriots to leave. We have lost a life but we are not backing down. He didn’t spill his blood in vain! Hold your ground… Ranchers come and stand! Committee of Safety come and stand! Militia come and stand!”