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The Latest on the Malheur Occupation in Eastern Oregon

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FW:  Jan. 28, 2016

UPDATE: (8:00 p.m.) Oregon Sen. Jeff Merkley released a statement Tuesday evening:

I am pleased that the FBI has listened to the concerns of the local community and responded to the illegal activity occurring in Harney County by outside extremists. The leaders of this group are now in custody and I hope that the remaining individuals occupying the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge will peacefully surrender so this community can begin to heal the deep wounds that this illegal activity has created over the last month. (Deep Wounds? You mean the cold blooded murder of LayVoy Finicum? "I doubt his wounds will ever heal". "I'm surprised that the cowards who shot Finicum didn't shoot him in the back like They did Jack Yantis".)

The locally elected leaders and state, local, and federal law enforcement are to be commended for their close coordination in working to address this crisis.

UPDATE (8:25 p.m.) Oregon State Police says the Deschutes County Major Incident Team will assist the police department and the Harney County District Attorney’s Office with an investigation into Tuesday’s officer-involved shooting near Burns.   The investigation will be conducted in compliance with Senate Bill 111 which outlines protocols to be followed when deadly physical force is used, police say.

UPDATE: (7:53 p.m.) Kieran Suckling with the Center for Biological Diversity has spent the past two weeks in Burns following the occupation. Suckling issued a statement following Tuesday night’s news of one death.


“I’m saddened to see this standoff culminating in violence,” Suckling said. “But the Bundys and their followers showed up armed to the teeth and took over lands that belong to all American people. We hope and pray those remaining at the compound surrender peacefully and immediately. Here’s hoping cooler heads now prevail in southeastern Oregon and we can return to a semblance of peace and civility.”

Senate Bill 111 Planning Authority - Use of Deadly Physical Force Response Plan

Senate Bill 111 (2007) required the creation of local, comprehensive protocols to address the use of deadly physical force by Law Enforcement during the performance of their duties.  Marion County has previously developed and continues to promote an effective and comprehensive approach to these extremely important circumstances.  Pursuant to SB111, we established a Planning Authority and developed a plan that meets specific criteria outlined in the law.  These elements include: training policies, deadly force policies, mental health benefits, light duty requirements, outside investigation, District Attorney discretion policy and data collection.

As required by law, the Sheriff and District Attorney are designated as co-chairs of the Planning Authority for Marion County.  The complete membership has been selected according to the Bill and includes:

Sheriff Jason Myers, Marion County Sheriff (co-chair)

DA Walt Beglau, Marion County District Attorney (co-chair)

Don Frederickson, Marion County Citizen Member

Ofc. Jeff Staples, Law Enforcement Union Member

Chief Jerry Moore, Police Chief Member

Lt. Jon Harrington, Oregon State Police Member

Lt. Tim Fox, OSP, Non-voting Member

The Response Plan was approved by the Attorney General on July 3, 2008.

To view a copy of the approved plan, please click the Marion County Law Enforcement Use of Deadly Physical Force Response Plan.:

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