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Anthony Rogers-Wright, Environmental Action

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Jan. 21, 2016

Urgent: Yesterday I joined about 200 members like you at the Reclaiming Florida's Future rally. But after promising us they would consider our requests, the Florida Assembly announced that they will vote soon on a major fracking bill. Click here to help us keep the pressure on Florida lawmakers,



There are a two bills being considered in the State Assembly that could have major implications for Florida's future, climate, water quality and public health. House Bill (HB) 191 and Senate Bill (SB) 318 would not only expand fracking operations, but would also preempt local communities from instituting their own bans on this extreme practice. Worse yet, counties and cities with existing bans or moratoriums would see their local controls over-ridden by Big Oil and Frackers if either bill is signed into law.


This could affect 20 counties and 40 cities representing nearly 33 percent of the state's population. That's why yesterday I joined 200 fracktivists from around the state for the Reclaiming Florida's Future Rally. When I addressed the crowd, I touched on how crazy it is for Florida to consider fracking when it gets 90 percent of its drinking water from groundwater sources. Also, Florida has some of the most sensitive geology in the world and the extreme practice would just frack up everything for everyone.


I also argued that the Sunshine State should be leaders in renewable energy sources like solar. After the rally we met with lawmakers who promised to consider our concerns. But in a classic Tallahassee Two Step, they announced just as I was writing this to you that the full House will vote on this bill any day now. That's why we need to ramp up the pressure with more signs, rallies and a huge billboard near the State Capitol to remind lawmakers they work for the people and our planet, not Big Oil special interests. Click the image below to see my speech and wrap up of yesterday's events and then please chip in $10 or more to get the message out: Don't Let Fracking Reign In The Sunshine State.


Thanks for lending a hand,


Anthony and the Environmental Action Florida Fracktivists 


PS - You can read my whole blog post reporting on the rally - with more photos, links and videos - by clicking here.